Hidden Claws

Luckily, I was given a separate room to sleep in. If that insane bastard tried to sleep with me, I really would have lost my shit. It was taking every ounce of willpower I had to keep playing this little docile part when all I wanted to do was latch myself on his face and tear it apart.

I've never felt so... human before. So vulnerable and helpless. This made me look at others in a different light and as much as I hate to admit it, I felt like I was learning a lot from this. I had been here for two days already, but it felt like two months.

A few servants walk in and bow before the leading one says, "Her Majesty wishes to have tea with you, my lady." Her Majesty? So the Queen? Knowing that I didn't have much of a choice, I sigh and stand up, waving at them to show the way.

The leading servant purses her lips at my attitude, disapproving but otherwise doesn't say anything as she turns and leads the way. I wish she'd say something and give me a reason...

As we walk, everyone turns to look and stare at me. I ignore their looks as I continue walking with a relaxed step. There was no way in hell I was going to try and walk elegantly like all the other women here. If I could get away with it, I'd walk around in my sleeping garments.

Hell, maybe I can make my own version of a bikini. Heh, now that would be entertaining. As we reach a large and magnificent courtyard, a few guards announce my arrival. I'm led all the way in until I come before the beautiful woman I saw sitting next to the King that day.

She lightly places the teacup down as I remain standing. One of the servants reaches out, trying to grab my arm but I move and avoid her touch. Her face darkens as she says, "You're before the Queen of our nation, bow and show your respect!"

I scoff and ignore her, turning to look at the "Queen"

The Queen speaks up, "Enough, everyone is to leave except for the goddess." The servants bow and all back out of the room, leaving the Queen and I alone. I arch a brow, watching her closely. Does she want to be alone with me? Does she think I won't kill her because she's the Queen?

She looks up at me with clear eyes and says, "Please have a seat. When it's just the two of us, you don't have to stand on ceremony." I watch her closely as I sit across from her, wondering why she called me or why she was acting so nice.

She actually pours me a cup of tea as she says, "I know what it's like to be taken against your will and placed within these cold walls." After pouring the tea, she pushes a few desserts toward me as she says, "I had someone reach out to me yesterday."

I reach out to the cup of tea grabbing it but not drinking it. I look over at her, our eyes locking as she says, "He wants you returned, unharmed." My hand jerks, slightly spilling the tea as my eyes sharpen.

She gives me a small smile as she says, "Bolin can't slip into the palace with all the Arrays that Weimin has placed so he has to walk in on his own two feet but... that is proving to be difficult. You see, Bolin's background is questionable here in the kingdom. The King does not like or trust those who he doesn't know or can't control. Bolin falls in both of those categories."

My heart races with hope as I try to keep my hands from shaking. He's trying to get me; he's trying to save me. He didn't leave me. I keep my tone as level as possible as I ask, "But you're helping him, why? Do you know him?"

The Queen gives me a mysterious smile as she says, "As a matter of fact, I do. I met him a very long time ago when we were just children. He approached me, asking for my assistance and of course, I had to help."

My eyes narrow on her as I say, "You would help a childhood friend over your own husband and King?" Her smile instantly disappears as her eyes turn cold. She lifts her head and says, "Two puppets in a play, that's all we are. He fills his bed with countless concubines and even that isn't enough for him. I'm only here to strengthen his position."

A picture slowly starts to form in my mind as I lean back with a slight smile and say, "Where I'm from, women are leaders as well." She blinks in surprise before giving me a warm wistful smile and saying, "It sounds like you're from a wonderful place. Women will be nothing more than accessories for men here in this world."

I lift the teacup, taking a drink with a knowing dark smile as I say, "Well, maybe it's time we change that." Her eyes become wide with shock before frowning and saying, "That's impossible but it's a nice thought."

I drink the rest of the tea and say, "Nothing is impossible. I think it's about time for this world to start making some changes. I think that change should start with you. Mark my words, I will put you on the throne as the first female Queen to rule."

She blinks in shock, silent for several minutes before lightly chuckling and saying, "Then I guess it's a good thing I decided to help you and Bolin." I smile at her in return as I say, "I repay kindness with kindness."

She nods with a warm smile and says, "In three days there will be a banquet. It's the winter celebration that happens every year. I will slip Bolin in during that time. I may be the Queen but that is nothing more than an empty title. This is all I can do, I'm sorry."

I shake my head as I say, "No, it's enough. We will take it from there." She nods and says, "I will also arrange a way for you two to leave undetected as well." I nod and say, "Thank you, I appreciate it."

She pours me another cup of tea and I realize how significant the gesture is. A Queen is pouring me a cup of tea. I take it with both hands and raise it to her. She smiles, lifting her own cup and lightly tapping it with mine before we both take a sip.

It felt nice to have someone on my side in this palace and judging by the smile on her face, she felt the same way. I glance at her and ask, "Can I ask you about Bolin?" She gives me a knowing smile and says, "Sure but I can't tell you anything. His story is not mine to tell. If you want to know more about him, I'm sure all you have to do is ask."

My smile grows as I say, "Fair enough."

Suddenly, the guards call out, announcing Weimin's arrival. The Queen and I both quickly lose our smiles as he quickly walks into the room. He gives me a wide smile as he says, "When I heard that the Queen had called you over, I rushed over thinking something might be wrong, but it seems you two are enjoying tea."

I completely ignore him as I slightly lower my head in the Queen's direction and say, "Thank you for telling me about the rules here in the palace. I will keep them in mind from now on." I stand up and walk out, leaving Weimin and the Queen in the room.

The Queen remains sitting and pours herself another cup of tea as Weimin watches her with narrowed eyes. He slightly bows and says, "Thank you for teaching my future wife, Aunt. I will be leaving now."

The Queen ignores his words as he quickly turns and follows after Lyra. The Queen watches him leave with a cold light in her eyes. Knowing that his days were numbered. He should have never tried taking something that never belonged to him.