
Instead of pulling my hand away or trying to explain, I turn back to Fei Yue and say, "In a way, you're right. Magic can breathe life into existence, but it can also take a life just as well." I lift my other hand, creating a miniature universe floating in the air between us.

The stars twinkle, in and out of existence as I say, "Magic is as old as the universe and connected to everything. Though the possibilities are endless, there are things you should and shouldn't do. If you upset that balance; destruction and chaos will follow."

A tiny star flares before exploding and taking out the other planets around it. Fei Yue and Bolin watch intently but when my magic fades away, Fei Yue looks up and asks, "What was that?" I blink up at him in surprise before realizing they had probably never seen planets before.

I release his hand with a sigh before mumbling, "This is going to be harder than I thought... No one here even knows what a solar system is." Fei Yue blinks before saying, "I know what a star is! The night sky is covered in them. They're the ancestors of our past and the greatest deities to ever exist."

I sigh long and hard.

I walk over to the table and sit down while asking, "Your first task is to create a small trickle of magic. If you can mimic what I've just shown you, then we can move forward. Without the ability to conjure magic, you can't learn anything else."

Fie Yue looks down at his hand, probably recalling the sensation. He then clenches his fist and looks up saying, "I understand, Master. I will not disappoint you!" He turns around and walks away with a serious look of determination.

Was he really trying to learn magic? It really seems that way...

I awkwardly rub the back of my neck as I watch him walk away. Suddenly a large hand covers my eyes as Bolin's deep voice says, "I don't like it." I lean back and look up at him with a dry look before asking, "You don't like what?"

His dark eyes watch me intently before leaning down and softly saying, "I don't like it when you touch other men or when you look at them. I don't like it at all." I keep my eyes locked on his as I softly respond, "I don't like feeling insecure either. It's not a nice feeling."

Surprise flickers across his attractive face as he freezes.

Understanding floods into his dark eyes before being replaced with guilt. He looks as if he's struggling with something when suddenly the air around us starts to swirl. I look over to see a rip opening up. Bolin straightens as I quickly stand up and walk over.

I use my magic to feed into the rip, causing it to open faster. Vanir's familiar face comes into view, full of worry and concern. As soon as he sees me, he sighs in relief and says, "I had not heard from you in some time child! I thought something had happened. Is everything okay?"

I give him a small reassuring smile as I nod my head and say, "Everything's fine on this end. Have you made any progress?" Vanir sighs and shakes his head 'no' while saying, "It's odd really, we lost your magical trail for a short time. Not just yours though, Dade and those who were with him seem to have disappeared as well as Aiya. The group with Aiya is still showing signs of movement and yours is back but not the others. Has something happened?"

I blink in surprise and try to think. Has something happened to them?

Suddenly, Mago slips into my necklace and says, "You won't believe who's approaching!! Dade and his men are here!" I narrow my eyes, wondering how he could have snuck up on me without me feeling his power. Speak of the devil...

I search for his magic with my own, but I get nothing but silence. Confusion eats at me as I turn and look at the front gates. Soon banging can be heard before Dade's harsh voice can be heard yelling, "Let me in Lyra! I want safe passage back to our world!"

What in the...

Bolin lifts his hand, opening the gates as he stands next to me with a calm expression on his face. Dade stumbles in and quickly walks over. He and his men were all wearing dark capes, covering them from head to toe.

If I hadn't heard his voice, I wouldn't have recognized him. I can't feel his magic at all! What the hell was going on!? Before I can ask, Dade rips his hood back, revealing shockingly white hair! I choke on my words as I stare at him in shock.

His men all pull their hoods back, revealing the same color of white hair. I look at all of them in surprise as I hear Vanir and the others suck in, surprised. Dade's men practically huddle together in fear as I ask, "What the hell happened to you all?"

Dade and his men all remain silent, but I don't miss the way their eyes nervously shifted over to Bolin for a split second. I turn and glance at Bolin, but he remains calm. I narrow my eyes, but I don't say anything.

Dade keeps one arm curled up against his chest as he yells out, "I invoke yulance! I wish for safe passage back to our world!" Yulance was an old tradition that basically meant protection. It was meant for those who got themselves into trouble and wanted to be kept safe before going to trial against the Council. Innocent before proven guilty and all that.

I roll my eyes as Vanir sneers and yells out, "How dare you invoke yulance! YOU!? You who conspired with others to bring harm to Lyra, and you wish for a safe passage!? You're lucky I can't reach your ass right now, you sniveling vile snake!"

My eyebrows shoot up, but I don't say anything. I've never heard Vanir get so heated before. He's always been the poster child for calm and collected but looking at him now, he looked like a bull ready to charge. His face was even flushed red!

Dade frowns and looks at me before saying, "Send us back and I will admit to everything." I give him a dark smirk as I lift my hands and say, "Unfortunately, it looks like we're all here for an extended vacation. No one can come or go through the portal."

Dade's eyes grow large as he looks back to Vanir and the others and yells out, "No! You have to bring me back right now! I can't stay here any longer!" Vanir snorts and looks pleased as he says, "Serves you right! I hope you enjoy your stay a little longer."

Alaister, another council member steps forward with a frown and asks, "Why do you all have white hair?" Again, they all grow quiet as they nervously shift from one foot to the other. Dade snaps and turns to me, charging at me with wild eyes.

Before he can touch me, Bolin pushes him back with ease. Dade falls back, landing on his ass. His cape flies open, causing the council members and I to all suck in. His hand was all shriveled up and black!

He struggles to crawl towards me as he says, "Lyra, I'm begging you. You can fix it, right? You can fix my hand and restore my magic, right!?" He tries to grab my foot, but Bolin kicks him away. Bolin's deep voice is laced with warning as he says, "Have you forgotten what I've told you already?"

Dade shudders as his men quickly run over and grab him. They drag Dade back several feet, refusing to look at Bolin or me. Any doubts I may have had about Bolin being the one who did this vanished.

He's been busy...