Chapter Four

Do not give heed to all the things that man say, lest you hear your servant cursing you; your heart knows that many times you have yourself cursed others- The book of Proverbs.

The little excitement that had submerged inside her disappeared when she heard him say "but..."  "But what?" Ifeoma had asked. Fear of the unsaid griping her. What if he asked for an arranged marriage? Would she consent to it? She thought to herself.

"I cannot give you my heart neither can I love you. To me you would always be like my baby mama with no strings attached." He paused. I can't be nothing more than the babie's father" he said in the most calmness of voice like a smooth wave in the ocean. "Noone can replace Lucy, noone can take her place because there is nothing left to take" he added almost tearing up.

At that moment Ifeoma felt like she was about having a heart attack. Nothing had ever pricked her heart the way Obi's voice had pierced her heart leaving a million holes. Ifeoma knew Obi didn't intend to hurt her this much with his words. But she couldn't help but feel depressed and rejected by the one person that means so much to her, the only person she ever loved, the man she had willingly given her virginity even without him trying; on a platter she presented it to him without huddles just because she loved him.

The memories each time she remembered always brought tears to her eyes. More crazy was the fact she agreed. She agreed to a be his married baby mama, his second fiddle, the mother to his child.

Living as a glorified house wife was nothing but meretricious lifestyle. Ifeoma knew she wanted something more, anything but staying at home doing nothing. Their maid aunty Nina came around daily ever since she became pregnant.

Nina was an elderly woman of about fifty. She had being around during it all. During the time of Lucy. Ifeoma admired her especially the empathy she showed to her job; she was dutiful and prompt. If only she talked more Ifeoma thought.

Ifeoma had tried on different occasions to get her to talk especially about Lucy but as if knowing her heart content, aunty Nina never gives out more than she should. In fact her replies were straight and deliberate. If Ifeoma hadn't known better she would swear aunty Nina didn't like her. But she has come to the understanding that perhaps she didn't like talking much so she let her be.

"Aunty Nina please what would you be preparing for dinner" Ifeoma asks as she drags out a chair. Making herself comfortable she rests her hands on the table in front.

"Why are you with him?" Aunty Nina asks from the blues.

At first Ifeoma had thought aunty Nina was soliloquing or something until she stared directly into her eyes whilst turning.

"Sorry are you talking to me?"

"I can't see any other person here expect the both of us so yes I asked why you are still with him." Aunty Nina said as she turned to what she was doing facing her back to Ifeoma.

"Who?" Ifeoma asked confused.

"Who else? Obi of course."She said still without facing her.

Ifeoma was aghast by the sudden question from no where. At first she was conflicted by the sudden question and confused towards the answer to give. She felt like she owed it to aunty Nina to explain things to her;explain her feelings and fear. Just tell her the truth her mind told her. "I love him" she finally replied. "Always had being and always would" she chipped in.

That seemed to get aunty Nina's attention because she turned fully facing her and starling deep into her eyes as if to denote the truth from it.

"They all say that, Lucy said it even till she disappeared like a water bubble without a trace" she finally said.

Ifeoma was perplexed, what was happening? Aunty Nina never talks about Lucy expect she asked even then she never said much just the peripheral like: food and brief moments she had even Obi, and what do she mean by: Lucy said it even till the moment she disappeared like a water bubble without a trace." The statement was suggestive as thou Lucy just disappeared and not kidnapped. She was snapped to reality when aunty Nina said:

"Obi is a good man it's quiet unfortunate he has being faced with so much ugly insidence right from a tender age. I don't want him to dealing with another lost or abandonment" she says as she looks into ifeoma's eyes waiting for a reply.

Ifeoma wondered what's with aunty Nina today. She's the one that needs saving for goodness sake, she thought to herself. "I'm not going anywhere except of course he asks me to..." she pauses "I've insanely fallen for him. I hope he realises that one day and perhaps return the love." she says hoping aunty Nina would see the sincerelity in her voice.

"I sorry I sounded harsh." Aunty Nina says as she lets out the air she didn't know she was holding. Now she's confirmed her fears. Aunty Nina believes Ifeoma was saying the truth, she knows the look of a woman in love and Ifeoma exudes such look. She could see the giddy but sad look on ifeoma's face as she talked about Obi. It was rather a pity Obi has shut his heart to love. She doesn't blame him, the poor boy has had to endure so much alone

"No, i mean it's no problem. I understand you care for him. I'm glad he has had you to look out for him. So there something I'm really curious about. How exactly did his late wife get missing?" Ifeoma decided to tap into the ones in a life time opportunity.

"Lucy" she smiles "had always being a slay fox but Obi loved her too blindly." She pauses like she remembered something before she continued. After she was kidnapped I thought Obi would finally move on or realised his foolishness but..."

"Good day aunty Nina" Obi says walking into the kitchen almost making Ifeoma to jump out of her skin. It felt like he walked into them gossiping about him. They aren't heard him horn neither did they hear him come inside nor heard his footsteps as he walked towards the kitchen. When he saw the look of surprise on both women's face he couldn't help but feel like he walked into women's bathroom unknowingly.

"Are my obstructing something?" He asked.

Yes Ifeoma wanted to scream out. He just destroyed her chance of getting to know even if it's a liitle about Lucy his missing wife or should she say dead.

"No of course. You came home rather early hope everything is fine" aunty Nina asked . Concern written on her face. Ifeoma was puzzled on how quick aunty Nina was able to comport herself whilst she on the other side could feel the tension in the air thou there's nothing to warrant it.

"I felt a little off so I decided to work half day today" he says wiping away invisible sweat from his face.

"Take a nap then and maybe some aspirin, I'll wake you once I'm done over here" aunty Nina says.

"Thank you I'll do just that." Obi makes to leave but suddenly turns back. "Ifeoma can I have a word with you?"

The kitchen suddenly became too stuffy and saturated. Ifeoma couldn't understand his sudden change of demeHe had pretended like he didn't notice her even as he talked with aunty Nina he hadn't said a word to her. Had he heard her ask about Lucy? Ifeoma couldn't help but fedget. Putting her self together she replied: "yea sure."