Chapter 2_Taken!

I took a black street length dress with pearls draped on the line that divided the dress in the middle. It had a slight slit at the back to reveal a bit of my upper legs. There were glitters all over the dress that shimmered all around it like diamonds shimmering under the sunlight.

The dresses in my wardrobe were countless and mostly black, I loved the mysterious demeanor black colors sends out.

I took a silver heel and packed my hair in an under head ponytail. I combed its fringe nicely and put on matching silver earrings.

I examined my reflection well in the mirror, satisfied at the image smiling back at me, I stopped smiling.

It was time to do the sneaking, I took my heels in my hand and tiptoed downstairs. I have my own spare keys so, I opened the door and shut it gently behind me, careful not to make sounds.

I smiled wryly at the expertise of sneaking I had mastered.

Damn! Someone needed to give me a trophy or something for it. I stood by the roadside and waved at the cabs that sped by. Many didn't respond to

my waving, I guessed they already had passengers in them.

Soon, a cab stopped and heeded to my waves. The driver popped his head out of the window

"Where to mademoiselle?" He asked his French accent filling my ears.

I opened the cab door before answering, what if someone sees me while I was wasting time answering his question.

" To the exotic beach please" I told the cab man and he zoomed off after a nod.

I brought out my pocket mirror and took out my make up from my purse, I applied some makeup however, I didn't make it too heavy.

I was already pretty enough and didn't need too much work done on my face to look prettier.

I looked at my face in the mirror and nodded before giggling inwardly. With a corner of my eyes, I caught the cab man looking at me through the car's front mirror and wondered why I was giggling to myself.

His eyes were supposed to be fixated on the road! I was going to a party, not heaven.

I gave him a 'mind your business' look and he looked on towards the highway like he wasn't peeping before.

Soon, we got to the exotic beach. The loud music and fluctuating disco lights were barely hard to miss.

I alighted the cab and paid the driver and he zoomed off almost immediately.

I sighed in excitement as I first gazed into the view before taking any further step. Jonas my crush was going to be there.

" It's about to get down!" I shouted girlishly and ran towards the beach my heels sinking in its sands.

I slowed down my pace when I neared the party. Everyone was having a good time, there were young people like me who were drinking beers, some were dancing and enjoying the music while others were at a corner making out.

I walked in catwalks making sure to flaunt my long legs to whosoever cared to stare. I was looking on in search for my friends and soon, I spotted the girls.

Cassandra had a glass of beer in her hand, she still wore her glasses while Athena was talking to a good looking boy. Iris, well Iris was dancing and drinking at the same time.

" Hey girl" Iris shrieked when she saw me.

The others also looked my way.

" What's up!" I jumped in excitement of the fun I knew we would have throughout the young night.

"Late again" Cassandra murmured before returning to drinking her beer.

"Yeah you know she always have issues with mama" Iris teased me.

Athena was busy with her male friend and soon she went away with him.

"One man down" Iris sarcastically laughed while watching Athena walk away with the cool boy.

" Lucky Athena, at least she's having fun" I grumbled as I sat on the sandy beach floor beside Cassandra leaving Iris to resume her dancing.


" Hey lover girl, look who's here." Cassandra said after a while of gisting, pointing in front of her.

My gaze followed her hand and there, "Oh" I said in a gasp.

Before me was Jonas!

My freaking crush...!

It gets better he was walking towards me.

" Hi" he said with so much vigor and the coolness that radiated from him made my heart race.

"Hi" I replied with a shy smile, the butterflies in my stomach already dancing but not in line with the tune of the music being played, they were dancing to a different beat of their own.

"Ahem " Cassandra gave a 'notice me' cough.

" Pardon me Cassie, how do you do?" He asked politely.

Oh he's such a gentleman! I blushed secretly.

" I am very well okay, please take the lady to the dance floor already" the smart Cassandra picked on our chemistry immediately and wanted us to take the whole thing away from her.

She doesn't like too much displays of affection. I have never seen her look at a boy flirtatiously before. Always the books, maybe she'll get married to books! Then her wedding day would be awkward.

Imagine a beautiful lady tying the knots with a book.

It'd make the front page and headlines! 'A beautiful conglomerate daughter got wedded to a library book'.....Hilarious.

Oh, I slipped off again. Pardon me. Well, I had actually warned you I liked to talk a lot so...

Yeah, so I was with Jonas on the dance floor. He was a good dancer I figured. Well, l I was not bad myself.

The music had been switched to a more slower and calmer one. The types you dance salsa to.

" You look perfect tonight " he complimented me causing my cheeks to flush.

Maybe he noticed, maybe he didn't but "Thank you" I replied my voice betraying my composed outlook as they shook like that of a teenager in love.

Well, that was what I was. Wasn't it?

A teenager in crush if there was anything like that, but it definitely was not love.

He only nodded, his warm hands still on the bare skin my low back dress had left opened.

I was already sweating nervously since it was the first time I would be talking and even dancing with a boy I was crushing on.

" Well you look good too but it's not just tonight, you've always looked good" I didn't know when I blurted out to my greatest surprise.

" Really? Are you saying you've been noticing me all along?" He asked me, the flirt in his tone evident.

I nodded my head.

Was just too shy to talk.

" Come with me" he took my hand and led me onto somewhere away from the party. We were still within the beach but somewhere far from the sounds and noise of the party.

He touched my arm tenderly, caressing rhythmically while my body began to send me an invitation to a dancing spree. One powered by the touch of Jonas.

"Tell me all about you. You see, I've been noticing you quite a lot myself" He said.

I got delighted and was too stunned to talk. Jonas had actually noticed me all along too. I opened my mouth to at least say something but a bright light sent the words away from my mouth.

It shone so brightly on mine and Jonas's eyes that we had to use our hands to block its harsh effects.

Something round with so much energy circulating about it with sparks that looks like that of an electric power.

It looked like a portal I watched in movies especially God and Demons where the God created a portal to go to hell.

I thought maybe the joy of hearing Jonas confess he had noticed me all along was making me hallucinate but I knew that was not the case as his mouth was also popped opened like someone who had seen a ghost. Well, what we were seeing at the moment was more epic than seeing a ghost. This was supernatural, extraordinary!

I almost fainted as I lost my breath when two of the most elegant people I've ever set my eyes on walked out of it like it was a door.

It was a lady and a guy probably in their early twenties.

The lady wore a red revealing dress with heavy make up stashed on her face, she was so gorgeous and beautiful or maybe it was the excessive make up that made her look so beautiful after all.

The guy, oh damn! Was I thinking Jonas was so good looking?

This guy was a mix of good looking, adorable, elegance and dominance.

My eyes were shining in awe, was someone shooting a movie?

"Medusa Clarke, congratulations you have been admitted to all supernaturals college!" the elegant lady said to me in the most sweetest formal tone I've ever had.

Oh right, someone was indeed shooting a movie.

I looked at Jonas and he also met my eyes before we both burst out laughing.

" Is this some kind of prank guys?" Jonas called out and threw his hands up.

We resumed laughing wholesomely until I saw Jonas slumped beside me and fell unconscious.

I rushed to him and bent beside him in shock, what the hell happened to him?

The two strangers were still standing and looking at me " What are you doing? Come help out!" I shouted at them.

To my utmost dismay, the guy walked up to me and dragged my arms towards the fake portal.

" Leave me alone!" I screamed "Jonas!" I called out to the unconscious Jonas on the floor but he was far gone to hear my shouts

What were these two trying to do?

" Where are you taking me you..." I couldn't finish as he tossed me in the sparkling round energy and I felt my whole body falling down.

" Ahhhhh!" I shouted at the topmost of my voice.

This was not a fake portal, it was a freaking real one!

I landed in front of a white door in a blank white space, what the hell?

I heard the ladies voice behind me

" Open it" she said.

I looked back and there they were, the two kidnappers looking at me with keen interest. The lady looked excited while the guy looked as though he was going to push me again if I didn't move.

Ok, I don't want to be tossed like a little girl anymore so, I opened the door and stepped inside.

In front of me was a whole different story. Boys and girls, some my age, some older, and some younger ones moving freely and interacting like a normal school day.

They were going inside a building which 'All Supernaturals College' was boldly plastered on.

I thought I just opened a door that led to probably another room but why an open space?

A whole school at that. Do colleges have a single door that led to their entrances?

Was I in a dreamland?