Chapter 5_Hostel

We got to a passageway where multiple doors stood in attention, I was guessing the doors led to the rooms.

Why was I guessing? I am sure those were the doors of our soon to be rooms. Teacher Hadleigh stopped and turned to face us while we were still lined up.

"For a proper view, let's not make the lines one straight line. I want four straight lines here young ladies" she addressed us.

We followed her instruction and soon we were all lined up in four places.

"Thank you, very good" she gave us a smile that complemented her beautiful face.

"Let's assign you girls to your rooms alphabetically or what do you think?" she asked us.

What answer was she expecting from our naive selves? We were still processing the whole change and she was asking us about groupings?

Group us anyhow you want and let's worry out, woman! I wanted to say but I dared not.

When there was no response from any of us, "Alphabetically it is then." she nodded.

"Girls with their names starting with letter A please step forward" she ordered politely.

Six girls my age, some looking older than their age and others with underage features came forward.

"Come with me" she led them to the first and second room in the end.

She assigned three girls each to a room. She did the same with girls whose names start with B down to my turn, M, and then to the last alphabets.

I was assigned to a room with two other girls. One seemed like those types of girls that kept to themselves but were quick-witted and strong. There was an aura of gloominess surrounding her. Getting to know her would be fun, I almost couldn't wait.

The other girl wore prescription glasses and had her in a short bub cut. She seemed like those smart kids, another Cassandra I thought.

Teacher Hadleigh led us to our room finally.

I was expecting a bunker bed but the room was so big, that it contained three different cushioned beds. Each bed had a bed drawer beside it with a wardrobe glued to its wall. There was a door that led to the bathroom. Even the toilet was generously embellished with the latest modern toilet facilities.

The toilet back at home was not as fancy as this!

"Hello guys, I'm Medusa. I look forward to getting to know you better and hope we make good memories together during our journey here" I jovially addressed them since no one was talking.

"Hello Medusa, I'm Mia. I hope for the same thing too but I'm sorry I spend more time with books than with people although I am working on that now and trying to relate with people more. I wouldn't want people to tag me a bookworm here too, hahaha " the glasses girl laughed sheepishly.

Did I say I talk a lot? Good, I just found a master.

Why give the unnecessary details? We turned to the third girl, did she forget to be polite or was she just a snub?

She saw our glances "I'm Mackenzie, I'm 18 so don't look at me like that" she said with a shrug.

What? She was 18? So cool!

"What?" I almost shouted.

"You are 18?" Mia asked her amazement very evident in her face.

I rushed to the Mackenzie girl with enthusiasm. She suddenly seemed like a comical hero to me. Imagine talking to a girl with supernatural abilities! I almost shrieked in excitement.

"That indicates you have powers right? Right?" I shook her shoulders.

She shrugged my hands off "I do, you heard the old man before" she said Mia gasped behind me.

"So it's all true?"

"It's no play, it can get crazy. Was crazy for me" Mackenzie replied nonchalantly.

How could she be nonchalant about such an epic thing?

"What is your ability?" Mia asked her.

"No, show us" I chided in.

"I can't show you, I don't know how to control it. The first time it happened, I was with my boyfriend and while making out, I heard his voice mumbling continuously another woman's name. I asked him who she was and he seemed confused and said he didn't say anything. I ignored it and tried to continue what we were doing but I couldn't, I was hearing his voice so loud saying he wished he was with her. Says she does it better than me" she stopped.

Mine and Mia's jaws slacked as we opened our mouths in both confusion and awe. Mia was shaking her head sheepishly, I knew she didn't understand a thing Mackenzie was saying.

"Why do I not understand you?" I asked.

"Patience, I am not done. The second time it happened I was in the store shopping some groceries we needed at home. Unanticipatedly I started hearing loud noises, it got so loud and intense I couldn't ignore them. I tapped another shopper in front of me and asked if they could hear the voices but it seemed as though I was the only one hearing it. I screamed so loud yelling for the voices to stop as it got so sharp it almost made me crazy. I was about to be sent to an asylum when those people came to get me and I found myself here. Just like you" she concluded.

"I still do not understand what your ability is," I said.

My brain would never process such ambiguous information, it doesn't have the capacity for that.

"I think your ability is empathy" Mia whispered thoughtfully.

Yeah, the work of processing information overload belongs to the smart kids not me.

"she read minds?" I asked.

"I don't know it was just a suggestion " Mia adjusted her glasses and replied.

"That means I read my boyfriend's mind, the guy was thinking about another lady while he was with me," Mackenzie said and she clenched her fists.

"That's men darling, expect the worst from them," I said and bit my lower lip when I remembered I was falling for one and was on the brink of doing something naughty if those two did not appear and toss me into that portal. Maybe they literally saved my poor heart from shattering.

"What do you think of the school? I mean who do you think is sponsoring such an elevated facility?" Mia asked trying to change the subject.

"I don't know but it must be some very wealthy people, I wonder what the school does for them to invest such an amount of money in it" I reasoned.

"Whoever they were, we'll be finding out later" Mackenzie cuts in.

I nodded and made to explore the room a bit more.

"I'll take this bed" I jumped on a bed that was close to the window.

The other girls settled on a bed each themselves.

Mia opened her bed's wardrobe. "Whoah!" She exclaimed causing me and Mackenzie to glance her way.

Inside her wardrobe were different types of new dresses neatly hung and arranged there.

I rushed up from my bed and went to my own wardrobe. I opened it and my mouth opened agape at what was in front of me.

Different dresses, jeans, tops that fits my taste. Dresses that were exactly my size and even more classy and expensive than the one I wore at home. Under the clothes section were shoes and heels of different colors.I tried one on and it was exactly my size!

"How?" I whispered my gaze still fixated on the display of clothes in my wardrobe.

"How did they know we were going to be assigned this room and wardrobe?" Mia also asked in wonder.

"How did they know to get shoes that fits and clothes within my fashion sense!" I exclaimed in addition.

"Don't forget the name of the school, it's probably magic" Mackenzie reasoned.

Oh, she could be right. We should be in readiness for surprises at anytime. Nothing was ordinary there, everything probably was extraordinary like the school's name implied. After checking out the clothes and even trying some on, we gave up and retired to our beds.

"Is any of you with their cellphones?" I asked noticing the absence of my phone.

"No, cellphones are probably not allowed. They might not even work since this is another dimension" Mia educated me.

"Oh" I drew my lips into a circular form.

"So what now?" I asked feeling bored as I laid in bed.

As if they heard my voice "All students please step out for dinner in two minutes and do make sure to change into new casual wears, thank you " we heard a voice over instruct us.

In obedience, we picked casual wears from our wardrobes and according to instruction we opened the door of our room.


We heard the sound of other doors opening.

We all stood in front of our doors as we had no idea where it was that we were going to eat dinner from.

Murmurings filled the hall as we were all chattering with our roommates.

It was funny how we connected with one another so quick in this day and time where our lives took drastic changes.

"Newbies, follow the arrow that will appear on the walls. It will lead you to where supper will be served. That is where you will have your daily meals, thank you." The voice over said again.

After waiting few seconds... We were still wondering when the arrows will show when we saw glistening on the walls and arrows appeared.

We followed the directions given by the arrows and found ourselves out of the building until it kept on leading us past other building until finally, we were in a large hall filled with other students.

Obviously they were our seniors as the confidence and familiarity by which they relate with one another showed they were not newbies.

Uncertain about what to do, we walked unceremoniously to the empty tables. In return we received stares from the superiors.

Some would look and look away while others will drop comments. Either way, I did not know about others but I felt small under their gazes.

I and the girls passed some male seniors and they whistled as I passed.

"It would be adventurous to shoot those legs up while I'm under" one of them made a dirty comment about my leg.

I suddenly got mad at the legs that used to be my pride. In reality, I should be mad at the senior but I dared not harbor any cynical thoughts against him. What if he had mind-reading ability like Mackenzie and his friends could control bees like Stephanie and then he hears my thoughts —and the bees did justice to my precious face?!

I settled with ignoring them and sat down at a table with the girls.