Chapter 8_Orientation

As teacher Lazio exited the class, we all seized the opportunity to resume our noises, even I was not left out.

"How are we supposed to control our emotions it's not like there is a switch for putting it on and off" Mackenzie clamored, the tiny beads of sweat that lingered on her forehead exposed her restlessness.

I could not imagine how she was feeling as I have not even had my powers yet therefore l did not know how it felt like to have powers you cannot control. As she said before or how traumatic it could be but from what I've been witnessing here, I

know it's a kind of big deal and maybe just maybe this school was the help we needed.

I thought of what to say to calm Mackenzie's brewing tension down, what can I say when I don't even know how shewas feeling?

"In his next class, he'll teach the techniques, he mentioned that. Now relax big woman" I tried to sound casual to calm the tense situation.

"Ah yes, He will. How about we research on our own as he told us to. I bet we'll learn more by researching rather than being taught" Mia chuckled nervously.

We both didn't want Mackenzie to freak out, this was just our first year, and we didn't want to be tagged the weird group or any of the other embarrassing titles one could attain in college.

Some girls walking around the class, forming boss deflected our attention causing us to bury the conversation –whilst our nervousness died down as Mackenzie looked more relaxed while she stared at the drama unfolding.


They were in front of the class in the spot where Teacher Lazlo previously stood and talked on top of their voices to gain attention which they did gain.

"Hello magical boys and girls" the first girl giggled. She seemed to be the leader of the group

How they were able to form a group so fast after just spending a night in the school remains a mystery and amazement to me.

"Fuck off" some boys shouted back at her and returned to having their conversations. The girls got half of the class's attention including mine and the girl's since nothing interesting was going on, we took in their display as a form of entertainment.

I mean I do not know what the girls thought but I took it in as a form of entertainment.

" I'm Danica, this is Dixie and Dalia" she pointed at her acquaintances. " We're all 18! And according to teacher Lazlo, we're proud of powers even though we do not have control of it yet"' she giggled and was joined by her friends.

Who cares? I wondered.

Some girls are just dumb or should I say jobless?

I shook my head at them, they just wanted attention. When I thought the show was over and they couldn't get any dumber...

"And we're the triple D rangers!" one of her friends she introduced as Dixie cried out, and the three girls rolled hands in hands about the front of the class.

Oh yeah, they were not jobless, they were just stupid.

And they were 18?


Two seniors stepped in, no one introduced them as seniors but without doubt and any needful explanation, I knew they were seniors by their refinement. The seniors seemed more dominant than the teachers themselves with the way they carried themselves.

Their fashion sense was top-notch along with their hair, their shoes, and everything. The school was providing them with all these niceties, that unlocked the barrier blocking my curiosities once more which led me to wonder who was the sponsor

behind all these luxuries.

The school was not receiving any fees from the students, certainly, someone was behind it, or maybe l should say a body of people were behind the whole thing.

The numerous outstanding dresses and shoes that filled my wardrobe crossed my mind again and I knew I could be elegant as the seniors if I wanted. I just do not have the time and mind to look outstanding for now since I was just embarking on the journey of this magical school.

So I wanted to take everything slow and lay low.

What made the seniors stand out was not the clothes, it was the confidence they wore like a robe above their clothing.

On sighting the seniors, the girls scurried to their seats.

So much for triple D rangers!

We could have all laughed out at the way the confidence in which they announced they were proud of their powers before evaporated like a steam of smoke, but we couldn't as we wondered what the seniors were doing in our class.

"Good day everyone, you won't be having classes today anymore. We'll take you on an orientation and tour around the school" the lad beside the female senior informed us.

From what I've observed it seemed the seniors were always paired up to attend to certain tasks concerning the newbies.

His words received a standing ovation, whistling, and applause from the class. Even I couldn't help but to clap, finally, we won't be restricted to staying in our rooms anymore because we didn't know the

directions. We could move about as much as we like.

"That's enough, let's move out"' the lady addressed us.

We all strolled out each person walking side by side with their friends.

They took us around the classes first. Other seniors were still in class receiving lectures. We passed by the first class and the lady spoke.

"This is the second year class, each class has it's top students. They resumed last year before you and are currently learning different methods in which they could use their powers. Your own lectures as first-year students will be mainly based on how to realize and control your powers as you are new to the whole game" she said brilliantly.

My admiration for her grew and I suddenly could not wait to be a senior and flaunt my knowledge to my juniors.

When I realized I always have poor grades, I quickly canceled the thought of flaunting knowledge. Maybe l'll just flaunt my status to newbies.

Yeah! That was good too, being a senior is a privilege too. I'll certainly flaunt my status. I laughed inwardly when I remembered that I Medusa, who used to flaunt her legs was now having thoughts of flaunting status.

My life was indeed changing, I'Il know later if it was for good or bad.

Hey! teacher Lazlo said being brilliant does not determine good grades here, maybe was not totally hopeless.

"The top student here is a girl, her name is Monique. I believe you should take note of the top students' names. They are the pride of the school and the school punishes any disrespect to them by juniors." the male informed us.

"And are you top students?" a voice from amidst us shouted causing us all to laugh out shortly.

Who the hell had such guts?

Without turning to us and taking the question as an insult rather than an harmless remark, the female stopped In her tracks which made us all stop and stare on at her.

She turned to face us " If we were not top students, we wouldn't be assigned this task to take inexperienced and lose mouthed not to say annoying newbies like you on orientation." she dimmed her eyes and gazed at us one after the other. This was one scary senior. She had been addressing us formally and I knew she must be one of those egocentric people.

"I am Senior Oliver of the fourth year while this lady here is Senior Amanda of the same fourth-year class. We are both top students of the class and does not just sit down in class all day but also go out on external missions." the guy calmly briefed


"External missions?" I found myself asking to everyone's hearings.

"Yes, that is the main reason for the whole training. Do you expect the school to sponsor and train you without you providing returns on their part? No, when you are in your second year you start going on menial missions which will upgrade as your year

upgrades. That is what will determine if you will be a top student or not, not grades." the female spoke again.

This was starting to get interesting.

"What missions?" someone else asked.

"Missions will arise, when they do you can discover the information as you go on throughout your year in school. Keep in mind this school is more than just studying and enjoying campus life, it is all about actions on actions." the male calmly replied.

He was so calm and collected, I liked him already. Unlike the girl who had so much pride and was speaking to us in formal and bitter tones.

Senior Oliver huh? If he didn't have a girlfriend already, was totally my type.

Fuck Jonas! There were more eligible guys here. I could not wait to explore.

What was I saying? The senior probably had a girlfriend, and with his looks, I was sure countless girls swarm around him every day. I had to pinch myself, Medusa this was why you always come up with average grades all the time. Why does your mind like to slip away every time important information was being passed on?


Was it right to think about flirting with a senior when I do not even know where my place is in the school yet?

Damn me!

I Was lost so I only caught up to the senior's last words " the other dimension " he concluded.

I heard the other dimension and I know that meant home, where mama, Anas, and the girls were.

I got curious " What was it about the others

dimension ?" I asked Mia who was beside and staring at the seniors with so much interest.

"Shhh" she hushed me.

"Mackenzie?" I turned to Mackenzie instead, she looked at me swiftly with a what's the matter' look.

"What did they say about the other dimension?" I asked her.

"That we will go on missions there, I guess the government must know about this institution" she informed me.

I knew there must be a sponsor for this

whole thing.

If the government knew about it, were they trading us for money with the government?

Was the whole system about solving problems, and get funded along with secrecy?

Does the government even believe in magic?

There are lots of things I have to do, lots of finding out to do.