Chapter 37_ Mia!

We ate our meals in silence afterwards. I ate

just one cronut and kept the remaining

three for later. I hated to eat foods that had

gotten cold or eat foods that had been

made hours before eating. However, I knew

I really had no choice. I had to eat the cold

cronuts later.

Mackenzie shared her wine with us. She did

not bother to offer Mia. Mia got new

glasses, new clothes, shoes, food, and


Now, it was only two days left. We only

needed to wait for two days. I tried to take a

nap after eating but I couldn't, all black's

yelling voice kept replaying in my head.

That man scares the hell out of me, I said I

wouldn't get on his bad side but here I was

eping and rolling on his very bad side!

Thankfully, he was not able to catch a

glimpse of our faces. That was the only

benefit we had.

I was guessing the day was going to be

silent one. It was awfully quiet in the room

also amongst us girls.

We lay in each of the beds, Mia stuck to me

like a pest. Even after picking on me all day,

I remain the only one she prefers to stick on


"What do you know about the mind maze

competition?" I heard Mackenzie ask senior


The senior sat up from the bed immediately

With a complicated look... " Who is joining

the mind maze competition?" she met with

Mackenzie's question with yet another


I became interested too. I had been eyeing

the mind Maze competition right from the moment I heard of it. I mean for a reason, I was drawn to it.

The dance group was something I liked.

Dancing was something I enjoyed but

wasn't sure that was exactly what I wanted

to do.

Unlike the usual me that runs from the

mystery of the unknown, the puzzle of the

mind maze appeared to be the element that

drew me to it.

Senior Eira returned to her relaxed position

in the bee. She placed her two hands on it

before placing her head on the hand like a


"That people die there." she announced in

the calmest and most collected way that I

wondered if the senior had any emotion left

in her at all.

People die in the competition?! And it was

cool with the school and the other magical

schools? They were going to make

students compete even when they know

they might die?

Senior Eira was a stone, I was sure she had

no boyfriend.

Out of the blue," Do you have a boyfriend

senior Eira?" I blurted it out. I needed to


All faces turned to my direction and all eyes

on me.

"Are you dreaming out loud again?" Mia

asked me.

I rolled my eyes at her before meeting the

senior's confused gaze. "Ahem!"I coughed

cynically. "Sorry, ignore me. Please


"I know people die there, I mean how you

see it. Any tip on how the school has been

winning?" Mackenzie because serious.

She knows people die in the competition?

How? I mean.. She knew and she was

being carefree about it. I was harbouring

thoughts of joining the group if l had my

powers but the moment senior Eira

mentioned death, I became skeptical.

"You know?" I said as my face crept into a


She glanced over at me briefly " I do " she

nodded cluelessly.

She does?

"How?" I found myself asking unbelievably.

She suddenly had changed expression, as if

she said something she wasn't supposed

to say. Is Mackenzie acting fishy or am

just being paranoid?

She shrugged "Heard from students. How

else would I know?"

Oh that was true, she could have heard some students talking.

She stopped paying attention to me and

returned her gaze to senior Eira " Have you

ever participated in the mind maze?" she


"Why would I want to participate in

something I know there is a possibility that

I might get killed? The missions are deadly

enough. You want me to shorten my

lifespan by going for a dumb mind maze"

senior Eira scoffed.

I couldn't help it " Is it that bad?" I asked.

"No, it's not that bad. People join, luckily

last year we did not loose any student in our

school. Only two students in another

Academy got lost."

"Lost? As in dead?" I raised another


"No, lost as in we couldn't find him. He

never emerged from the other side of the

maze." she said no emotion whatsoever in

her eyes.

Right, senior Eira had no heart I'm sure!

I kept on asking questions "What is it like" I

asked. Now, it seemed as though

Mackenzie was not the curious one but me.

"They wear stuffs on your head and you are

transported to another reality where you

are faced with whatever they face. Your

body remains here while your

subconscious mind travels. It is always

boring for spectators to watch really, that's

why they do it separately behind closed

doors. They only announce winners after

the competition"

"So it's not like we are going into an actual

maze?" Mackenzie asked this time.

Senior Eira shrugged before answering. I

was expecting her to complain the question

was getting much but she didn't. It seemed

as though we all needed such small talks.

The room was getting boring before. " I

don't know since I haven't participated

before. Maybe you do when you get to the

other reality, maybe you don't."

Mackenzie and senior Eira were just alike,

personality related. What l expected her to

ask was how the boy got lost then when his

body was here and only his mind traveled.

I turned to her with a disapproving look. 

"Shouldn't your question be how the boy got

lots if his mind was here?" I widened my

eyes. "Have some feelings girl!"

I saw Mackenzie grit her teeth "I did not ask

because l knew he never woke up. That was

what she meant by got lost, the young boy

did not wake up." she almost bit me.

"How did you know he did not awake?"I

became suspicious again and I don't know

why. I mean, I know Mackenzie was harmless but what was wrong with me?

"Common sense Medusa, which you don't

have so much of obviously." Mia answered

her voice coated with sarcasm.

"How about you mind your business, Mia,

you haven't been contributing and the

conversation has been fine!"

Mackenzie got up from the bed and walked

straight to me. She sat on the already tight

bed that had me and Mia sleeping on it. I

thought she was going to eat my ears out or

something but she surprised me.

She pinched my cheeks playfully and smiled. Another side of Mackenzie I didn't know existed!

"I know because apparently, that would be

the only explanation for it" she said.

Ok, I was starting to feel like the dumb one

since everyone understood without senior

Eira explaining and I didn't.

A soft giggle which turned to a short laugh

after got our attention.

It was senior Eira and she was laughing!

Senior Eira was laughing oh my God!

After a satisfied laughter, she placed her

hand above her mouth and coughed faintly.

"Sorry, you guys are just so fun to watch"

her humorous face became serious.

"I hope you make the best of your friendship

and do not betray one another. You are one

lovely trio."

What was so lovely about our friendship?

Mia was a loud-mouthed four eyes that gets

on everyone's nerves.

Mackenzie was a cold and icy girl who got

her powers before us and keeps secrets

from us. I was sure she had secrets. The way she changes like a chameleon call for

suspicion. If Mia doesn't notice, I do and I'm

going to find out what she was hiding.

But then, there could also be a possibility

she wasn't hiding anything and I was being

paranoid. Who knows? I don't know.

"How do I speak to the school staff? I need

a book! I might die if I don't read a book one

more day" Mia sulked, changing the subject

None of us answered her. If she wants a

book then she can go out to get one.

"Why didn't you inform them when they

came to deliver your food?" Mackenzie

asked her.

"I forgot."She shrugged and adjusted her

glasses then she caressed my head that

was facing her. " Medusa why don't you

come with me to get a book" I heard her say.

Unbelievable! Mia wants me to come with

her to get a book?! I almost laughed. My body still facing the other side,I strained my neck in her direction. "Yeah, you wish." I scoffed.

"We are under curfew, the library will not be opened to the students and I bet you couldn't have gone far before you were caught and then boom, welcome to the blank room teacher Zane would say to you " Senior Eira told her with humor.

"We won't go knocking on the library's door,

we will steal to borrow from the library." to

my greatest and wildest surprise, I heard

the well-mannered Mia pour out.

Okay, now it seems to me that there was something in the air making everyone run out of their mind because what?!


Author's Note

Dear readers, 

Follow my author page @


Thank you and thanks for the love you've

been showering on my book.