Chapter 40_Thieves

I was having thoughts that maybe I could pick book or two also. There was no need for going back to the hostel to read. We could stay here and read all day.

"Have you seen any book of your choice Mia?" I asked her.

"Hmmm, hmm still searching."

She said from opposite the shelf I was searching for books from. "Are you taking a book too?"

she further asked me.

"Yes" I replied.

"What genre are you interested in?"

I shook my head. " I don't know, I'm not looking for a book for entertainment. I'm looking for books that can help when I finally get my powers. You know I will be 18 in few weeks now." I was saying my gaze fixated on the books while my hand traveled around their covers. I was looking at each book titles, looking out for one that has at least things about newbies powers.

Mia stopped answering me so I guess she found a book she was engrossed in then.

"Where do they keep books that has newbie owers or something!"I groaned talking to no one but myself.

A voice said beside me. "Here, this one is good for newbies " the voice extended a book to me.

"Thank you" I said and collected the book. I looked at the title, FIRST SIGNS YOUR POWERS ARE APPEARING was boldly written on it.

Exactly what I was looking for!

"Wow this will be helpful." I smiled at the voice without looking up.The voice replied." Indeed, it will be.

"Wait a second! We were supposed to be the only ones in the library. This wasn't Mia's voice, this was a masculine voice.

What the hell? I looked up and saw the annoyingly good looking blonde guy with dimples. "Ahhhhhh!" I screamed. His eyes widened and he smirked with a corner of his face, the hole in his cheek getting more visible. "Medusa, Are you okay?!" It was Mia, she ran to me when she heard my screams. The book she was holding in her hand dropped on the floor with a thud. She shifted her glasses to sit well on the ridge of her nose. " Ahem' she coughed lightly and then" Oh" she drew her lips to a circular form when she saw the third party.

I remained frozen where I was and my eyes didn't blink for at least fifty seconds. My facial muscles twitched in sync. It was a funny sight and Mia caught up on my shock and probably because she had no idea on what to do, she took slow steps toward me and grabbed my hand. There was a dead silence before she whispered. "I guess we'll be going back now." she dragged my hand was about to walk me out when we heard the most expected command.

"Where do you think you are going?" he stopped us.

We paused and I squeezed my face embarrassingly. If one looked at me, they would think I was about to let out an ugly cry. 

"The hostel." Mia replied stupidly. Was she

even supposed to answer him?

"Were you not supposed to be in curfew?

You broke the school rules and come here?"

was the interrogating questions from him.

"We only came for some books." | summoned up courage and turned to him. He was not afraid to meet my gaze and also do not feel it was awkward to meet my gaze so directly like that. I found myself awestruck by his direct physical contact with my eyes. My pupils danced inside my eyes and I had to carefully avert my gaze.

"You came for some books during the curfew? You met the library empty yet you sneaked in. Why? Because your intention of coming here was to steal " he said to us matter of fact.

"No! We are not thieves!" Mia almost shouted. Yeah, who was he to accuse us like that?

He tilted his head. " Then what are you?" he frowned. The frown leveled his cheek and his dimples disappeared.

I crossed my hands on my shoulders " Like

I said, we came to borrow books" I replied. 

"I shouldn't waste my time on lowly newbies, you can explain yourselves to the school authorities." He stated.

Oh no, he wasn't meaning what he said right?

"I thought we were supposed to be on the same team!"Mia complained.

His smile that had no sound irritated me to the core and I twitched my nose to the irritation that almost made me throw up.

"And we will need to rethink that, I don't keep theives in my team" he told Mia with no emotion whatsoever in his eyes.

Oh, I hate him! I hate him so much. He can taunt me in my dreams all he wanted now he wants to be cruel to my friends too. Mia was in the quiz group because she loves it. She really loved to read and it was obvious how smart she was. If by he doesn't keep thieves on his group he meant disqualifying Mia from the quiz group, I won't take it from him. Be it he was a senior or a top student or not! Why was he behaving just like his name entails? Annoying jerk! I started stomping toward him to give him the best scolding of his life. I was only like a few steps away from him when a voice joined our dialogue from behind.

"What is going on here?"A feminine voice asked while waking closer to our sights. Arrrgh the day couldn't have gotten worse could it?It was the witch! The annoying librarian. Without turning to her, he shook his head in our direction."Finally, you're here. I will leave the judgement to you then." he said and was about to walk away but she stopped him.

"Senior Katz,I will like to hear what is going on from you.They might lie." She shrugged. He hadn't even taken a single step so he stopped and looked back in our direction before smiling at the librarian.His fucking sexy dimples now very visible. Oh those intriguing evils went down and pressed in on his cheek computing an advance level of beauty to his devilish magnificence.

"Come on Cassidy." He stopped smiling. Oh,so the librarian's full name was Cassidy." Remove the formalities, this is not school hours.We are off duty now, call me Katz." He finished with another smile. This time, he was not beautiful. Or maybe I refused to believe hh was beautiful. He was an ugly soul, inside and out! What in the world? What kind of relationship does he have with the librarian that warrants him telling her to not use formalities on him since it was school hours?!

I watched the witch rolled her eyes." Fine but am upset you left me in there because of her?"She pointed at me with disgust. Well, if she was irritated by me oh my, she can be sure she irritates me on a times ten gauge! 

"Of Course not because of her,because l came to help you catch the thieves before they disappear." He moved closer to her and held her waist.

Oh the sight was just too vexatious to watch. What were these two doing?! They were even calling us names, thieves? Do we seem like a form of entertainment to them huh? I wished the earth could swallow them both up the way it swallowed his ugly pet. 

The librarian leaned in on him and touched his chest. I was sure she was about to kiss him realized we were still present and looking. 

"Scram!" she barked at us.

I stayed where I was but Mia was indeed ready to scram. At least,they were willing to let us off without calling the school authorities on us. Who knows? They might let us off now and deal with us later. Especially the librarian, she was my most hated person. She was topping the list of my top ten list of people l hated. People who disgusted me! I remembered I promised myself I was going to punish the annoying jerk for appearing in my dream. Ok fine, I know he doesn't have the power to appear in dreams but he did appear in mine and did touched me. He allowed me touch him too the way the librarian was touching him now. He also laughed at me in the end.

To smack him on the ass, that was my promise and I meant it. I was going to do it and I was going to do it now.

When the librarian repeated her word. "Scram" She said again this time, louder. Mia bolted towards the door but l did the opposite. 

I ran in their direction and saw their eyeballs bulge but that didn't stop me. I made sure to get to the Annoying jerk's backside and then..


I landed a slap on his buttocks. I allowed my legs carry me as fast as they could as I bolted toward the library entrance door like a thief pursued by cops. My legs never stopped until I got to Mia,who in return returned her running when I got to her. She was literally waiting for me before. Without giving myself a chance to pant or gasp for air, we ran toward the hostel.