Chapter 56_ It's Wyllow

Sometimes, that which we sought desperately and hopelessly for is right in front of us but blind we are to see. The key is not always far away, it does not need travels or sweats. Most times, all it needs is oureyes wide opened and seeing. See, don't just look. There is more to the eye dear Adam and Eves.



We each hugged senior Eira goodbye, even Mia embraced her and so did Pandora.

Pandora was just too forward even though she doesn't know the senior personally as we do, she still went on to embrace her.

It was not like senior Eira was going someplace away from the school, we could still see her around. Just that, she would be too preoccupied

with other things and so would we.

The next destination was to go get something to eat, was the senior not eating ? She could have just walked with us. Or maybe she had her friends to go reunion with. But senior Eira doesn't have friends, does she?

Now it was back to the three of us. Me, Mia, and Mackenzie.

When we got to the dining area, it was so crowded and flled with students not to mention the noises. Everyone was so engrossed in chatting with their acquaintances even more than eating the food

they came for.

We sat at a table that already had three newbies boys eating at it.

Surprisingly, it was the the boys who told us about the plague mission. The ones in our class who converse with us occasionally.

"You...?" the talkative amongst them pointed his finger at us.

We were bewildered, I stood blinking for seconds.

Mia was the one to speak first " I hope nothing bad is going to happen again. The last time we sat with you.." she was saying but was cut offby the talkative boy.

"Oh come on girls" he waved his hand listlessly "It's all good, I feel like it would be fun sitting together again. It was fun the last time before it got ruined, right guys?" he asked his friends rhetorically but they all replied that it would be fun.

Mackenzie did not wait for them to conclude before she sat down and we followed suit. Pandora was sitting beside Mia now and I, beside Mackenzie.

We took the menu paper and wrote down our orders which were served barely two minutes later.

" So how was the curfew like for you girls?" the talkative asked.

Pandora did know how to cling and jump in conversations that did not involve her. Or maybe this involved her because she was a part of

the group.

Not our group, I meant all of us eating at the table now.

" Oh please, don't get me started " she scoffed. " I thought I was going to die of boredom plus I was stuck with two seniors who wouldn't stop ranting about how lowly we were for being newbies. I don't know why the seniors are all so rude" she spat in annoyance.

" Not all of them"

We all looked up to see who just spoke and it was Mia. Was she talking about senior Eira, wow.

So Mia did know senior Eira was not an enemy. That's Mia for you, she takes time adjusting to new people and she tends to quarrel and argue with the ones whom she liked the most.

Mackenzie also supported her motion " Yeah, not all of them. We were stuck with a lady who is probably the best senior in the school" I saw

her dreamy eyes of admiration that disappeared almost as it came.

"Was it the one that left just now? The top student who received the prize?" Pandora asked Mackenzie directly.

I was expecting Mackenzie to ignore or snub her but she didn't. She nodded, thursting a spoonful of the chocolate desert into her mouth. "Yeah, it's that one " she said within a mouthful.

"Whoa..." the talkative boy friend drummed the eating table " You were with top student Eira? You must be so lucky, she would have taught you a lot " he gasped and turned to his friends who were

equally amused.

"Yes, she did teach us a lot. I know so much now, thanks to her" I smiled speaking for the first time since our food got delivered.

" Not enough " Mackenzie muttered.


I turned to her with a wrinkled frown lined across my forehead "What do you mean not enough" I asked in wonder.

She repeated her words now adding a little bit of sarcasm " I said not enough so, I meant not enough. She was being so secretive and was hiding away information from us" she stood up promptly. " Arggh" she groaned dragging across the hairs on her forehead "I'm sick and tired of acting all nice with you girls. Why are you so dumb ? What's so special about the damn senior? This school sucks" she threw her food forward but luckily, it didn't fall. It just landed on Mia's plate.

Mackenzie stormed away immediately. The look in her eyes when she said those words, were so strange and yet not strange because I

thought I have seen them before.

But where?

A shot of pain sprung across my head when I tried to recall the information so, I let it be.

"What is wrong with her?" Pandora cried out " She did just praise the senior as the best senior in the school. Why the sudden mood Swing" she opened her mouth agape.

"I think it's that time of the month " Talkative boy said.

I turned to him instantaneously " What time of the month?" I frowned.

" Period, dummy" Mia said now sipping her bottled juice reacting little or no less to the rather strange outburst of Mackenzie.

Talkative boy made attempts to lighten up the mood "So, leave her be. You girls seem like fun, tell me what your beautiful names are" he inquired. That was right though, we hadn't introduced ourselves properly . We were just flowing and conversing right from class.

"You mean you don't know Medusa Clarke?" Pandora hollered.

Okay, so why was she acting like I'm a celebrity or something?

"Who?" the second boy frowned. I noticed the one with the elevated hearing hadn't spoken a single word since.

"Teacher Hunter's class, Medusa.?" Pandora stressed.

The talkative boy and his friends were indeed full of surprises as " Who is Teacher Hunter?" he shrugged.


He doesn't know the teacher?

" Defense class" Mia put in still sipping her drink lazily and looking lost like she was deep in thought. She was only contributing listlessly to the discussion.

I wonder what was on her mind. The talkative boy broke my thoughts.

"Oh, we skipped that class" he said nonchalantly like it was a normal thing to do.

" What ?" Pandora gasped. " You're newbies yet you skip classes already." she scolded.

I guess today was the day of strange happenings because Mia bursts out laughing.

I turned to her clueless, that was not the expression I was expecting from her. " Sorry" she finally said after a minute of a satisfied belly laugh.

She squeezed her face and pretentiously scolded the boys " Be good boys, don't skip classes" then she placed her head on the table to return her laughing spree.

With a slight shake of my head, I turned to the boys " You are unbelievable guys" I stated then started the formal introduction. " I'm Medusa. This Mia, my roommate " I pointed at Mia then at Pandora

"Here is Pandora, a girl.. Sorry, a friend in class" I smiled at Pandora and she returned my smile.

" Okay Medusa, I like the red hair and the sexy legs" he winked at me,


" Don't be surprised, I've noticed them all along " he continued.

"We all have" his friend chirped in " Haven't we?" he asked the quiet boy.

" Uh…Well….I haven't " the lad stammered.

"Whatever " talkative boy interjected " Well, I'm Bale, this is Devarn and that " he halted and tapped the quiet 18 boy " he is Andronis" he finished.

Andronis, cute.

" Nice to meet you all, I feel like we will get along well" I smiled.

The talkative boy, now Bale smiled and shook his head " Yes we will"

A small figure approaching the dining area caught my attention. lt was silver haired girl.

She was walking into the dining area with eyes that were looking out for an empty seat where she could curl up and eat on her own, I knew if she and Andronis ruled the world, humanity would be a bunch of deaf dummies.

" Hey." I tried waving at her but she wasn't seeirng me.

Mia and the rest were now looking at me with confused gazes on how much effort I put into calling her over.

" Medusa don't call the crazy girl here" Mia said sternly.

I heard Pandora supported her "Yes please, she is my roommate but hasn't spoken a word to me and the other girl in the room. She behaves like those possessed teacher Hunter described. That's why

envy you girls, you catch so much fun together and get along so well" she muttered, her voice suddenly low and sad.

I don't know about getting along well and having fun, we had our ups and downs too.

" She is cool, I promise" I said briefly and got up from my seat still waving at siver haired girl. " Dann it, I dont know her name" I cried, now walking out of the table.

I hadn't taken few steps away when Pandora's voice made me halt

"Just call her name" she said.

"I don't know it"

What she said next was the least I expected, I hadn't anticipated such

"She is Wyllow" Pandora's voice echoed continuously .

I had my mouth opened and my muscles twitching in sync " what?" I mouthed unable to get the words out.

"I said, her name is Wyllow" Pandora repeated and I ran amost immediately.

I bumped into a bunch of seniors without stopping to say sorry until I got to siver haired girl.

I dragged her hands and her shocked eyes bore into my sober one. Her silver eyeballs and dark irises glinted with recognition when she saw

me but it disappeared amost immediately.

"Hi " she said faintly, her voice sounding angelic in my ears.

"Hi" I repeated like a dummy .

Silver haired girl nodded and turned to leave but my hands held her back and she frowned for the first time since I've been seeing her. I can not say I know her, there are a thousand reasons justifying why I don't.

" Wait.. What is your name" I stammered.

She bent her head to look at my hand that was holding her and I let go rather reluctantly and sluggishly.

"It's Wyllow" she supplied.

'Wyllow'. Second annoying jerk past words reminisce in my head.

'You can trust Dean Androcles if you want and so can you trust Wyllow'

This is my Wyllow?

It's not a thing but a she with silver hair and eyeballs. "Wyllow?" I stammered as my voice was breaking.

She had sighted a seat whose occupants were retreating now and she moved to go over.

"Wyllow please" I dragged her again, I knew she doesn't like it but I could not help it. " Please, sit with us" I said, almost begging.

After a few seconds of pause, she smiled shyly and walked with me hand in hand to the table.

Mia was giving me deadly gazes but I ignored her and sat Wyllow down beside me after begging Bale to shift a bit.

"Hey Wyllow, I'm Bale, this is Davern and here is Andronis" Bale introduced.

Wyllow gave that shy smile again and whispered "Hi" to Bale and his friends.

Andronis and Wyllow, they seemed like twins because of their personalities but I know they weren't.

I was drawn to Andronis silence even though I am only getting to know him still but Wyllow seemed like the companion I needed.

I don't know how second annoying jerk got to know her name or even know that l coudd trust her but here she was. I finally hope second annoying jerk would rest and leave me be.

Here is Wyllow , second annoying jerk. I thought in my head as chatters and chuckles increased in the dining area.