Chapter 70_ Mama Manipulated

The moment I saw the figure that I was sure

was Ajax entering our pastry store, I doubted if this test that I once thought was a blessing was indeed a blessing.

I wanted to run as fast as I could and pounce on him as hard as I could. I wanted to tell him to leave my family alone, he could mess with me but not mama and Anas.

Immediately, I remembered the dream I had following his first revelation to me. He killed mama and then Anas in my dream. Was he going to kill them in reality?

Was my dream going to come true?

Cat woman mentioned something about facing my fears, Ajax was indeed my fear. Abig one that even the thought of him sends disruption to my mind an entire thoughts.

That was why I always made sure to disregard thoughts of him whenever theycame to mind including thoughts about other things that may cause distress to me.