Chapter 108_ Lie detector spell

After the whole chanting by all the magical students and me, the teachers had no choice but to succumb, and none of them dare voice out their opposition to the idea.

Kellan nodded and in satisfaction " I am going to cast a lie detector spell that will make a tooth fall off the mouth of the person being questioned every time they lie" he announced " We all need some humor amidst all this seriousness right? Seeing fallen teeth from a grown-up would sure make me laugh out my heart fill" he added and all the magical students burst out laughing.

If the situation wasn't the way it was, maybe I'd laugh too but at the moment, nothing was funny enough to make me laugh or even smile.

Kellan began to circle his fingers in the thin air and a snap ended his display "Done" he said out loud.

So fast and simple?

Was that how I would use my powers too? Just a little movement of my fingers and a sound snap then, whoosh?!