Chapter 146_ Dumb Danica!

Mia swiveled to Devarn swiftly. " I can't be as sexy as she is because her appearance is a lethal weapon on its own. Good, now we've gotten a defense teacher who doesn't even need to do anything to chase the demons away. They will run on their own when her bloody hair and shoes with heels as high as a mountain stands right in front of them"

" All I hear is a powerless magical student making noises" Bale pretentiously strained his ears as if he hadn't heard any of the words she said.

I don't know why that word ' powerless magical student' turned something inside of me. Oh, I know! It was the definition of me.

" Is Teacher Zane flirting with the new teacher?" Andronis voice drew our attention back to the front of the class.

All black was picking something out of the teacher's hair and she seemed lost by the motion.

I will tell you what All black was picking out of her hair.

Nothing, that's what! So, the old kill joy could flirt too huh?