Chapter 160_ I have a crush

I gawked at Mia with contempt. " Get up coward, he's gone"

" Oh, thank the Lord. I thought he was going to get you punished for being a loose mouth. Why the hell did you talk to him that way?" she ranted as she lifted her head up from on the table.

I rolled my eyes at her ungratefulness. I just saved her ass and that was all she could say to me. " Well, you're welcome!" I snapped at her.

" Well, thanks for scolding him" she also fired at me but this time, it was playfully.

Senior grumbled from where she sat. " You girls are something else but can we leave already?"

I wanted to tell she could leave if she wanted since she knew the way back to the hostel but I figured it might sound rude moreover, Mia was here.

" So, can we go back to this?" Mia pointed at the 'Phoenix and Dragons' book.

I nodded swiftly. " Yeah"