Chapter 167_ Let's go to a party

Mia's POV


She just couldn't hold it in anymore, watching Devarn being so sweet with Medusa and giving her the dye right in front of all of them was way too much for her to handle. It was very gentlemanly of him to do such and she was supposed to not be mad at Medusa and only respect Devarn's feelings for her but all the voices in her head kept on murmuring to her how nice it would have been if it was her in that position.

Liking someone who liked one back was as epic as liking someone who didn't like one back was. The two sensations were appalling in their own site of varieties.

Liking someone who liked one back would send all the adrenaline in oneself shooting up and it would ever be so pleasing.

Liking someone who did not reciprocate the same feelings would send all the sad cells in one shooting up, ruining one's mood for as long as the feelings lasted and it would ever be so hurtful to watch them love another.