Chapter 181_ Will be tried but I am tired



It was Mia? The girl Pandora liked was Mia?

Geez, lots of things were happening, things I never saw coming. Things I hadn't expected.

Was I too occupied with other stuff that I wasn't paying close enough attention to my friends.

I could only gulp, too fazed to say a word. Worried not to say something that might provoke the two lovers.

Well, I was happy for them.

Mia and Pandora, whoa!

I could not wait for the boys to hear this and most definitely couldn't wait to see their reactions. Well, Wyllow was a lost cause when trying to collect others reactions just so you could see if they tallied with yours.

She had that indifferent look to her and was only staring at the two girls as though it was no news to hear they are together.

She was roommates with Pandora though, they might have talked.