Chapter 206_ Which is the liar, your lips or heart?

Senior Eira was a ghost and I could see her but was the person she was dining with so happily also a ghost or human?

How was he able to see her?

Was he a ghost too? Can I see ghosts now?

I was tempted to go to her, to stand up and go interrogate the situation but I was at a loss for what to say. If the person she was talking to was a ghost, everyone present would think I was going insane and talking to myself.

The kitchen workers came to serve our food and so, and one of them blocked my view with her body. By the time she and the other cooks who came to serve us left, senior Eira had stood up and was leaving with the senior I saw her with.

What in the bloody world was going on right now?

I ate my food in silence as my mind kept on pondering over what had just happened.

" Meds, what is the mind maze team like?" Pandora questioned me.