Chapter 209_ Magical girls don't get a day off

Mia made sure I had successfully entered the room and lay down before she left to go to the mind maze team on my behalf and leave for her team afterward.

I wondered if annoying jerk would be up to lead the team today.

" come on Medusa, he's not a weakling. That small beating definitely could barely leave a scar on him." I admonished myself, trying to talk myself out of worrying too much over him.

After reminding myself countlessly that he was strong and the punches would not have any harsh effects on him, I still couldn't help but worry. " Will he be okay?" my knuckles were in my mouth.

" Of course, he will be, Lady Al Gore. It was mere punches, come on." Tov reproached me.

He finally talked, man's been quiet for a while now.

" I know right?" I sighed, about to undress and go take a shower.

" What are you doing?" I heard Tov ask.

My brows were arched. " What do you mean? Take a bath of course."