Chapter 224_ The rain is soothing

The moment my leg stepped outside while I dragged the unconscious Wyllow along with me, the rapid beating of my heart announced to my ears that if I did not calm down soon, I might end up with an exploded heart.

Just like the last time in the river, I felt an overwhelming wave engulf me and soon, I was right in the middle of the bridge where we had landed before.

It gets better, the portal had already been opened. Panting with fright that Pandora and Mia had not arrived, I turned around but couldn't find them.

"Oh shit!" I had cursed when they appeared just right behind me. "Thank the Lord!" I screamed in total relief.

I had never been happier my whole life.

"Go into the portal!" I shouted with all my might.

Pandora dragged Mia while her body shook. And thus, into the portal they went.

I was dragging Wyllow along with me and had almost stepped into the portal when I saw the hounds appeared right in front of me.