Chapter 236_ He ignored me but I found excuses for it

My mind was in disarray as I looked forward to leaving the middle of my friends and questioning senior Eira.

"You are not planning on being blunt and accusing her directly, are you?" Tov reprimanded in my head.

I wanted to spit my mind out so, I allowed myself to talk to Tov in my head while the rest of my friends chattered noisily mostly about Andronis pulling our legs.

Well, I knew he wasn't but I could not say.

"If I don't then she would spy on me and go report back to whoever is the mastermind behind all this," I replied– in my head still.

Tov clicked his tongue before reprimanding me further. "You don't ever learn do you, Lady Al Gore?" he asked rhetorically.

I only rolled my eyes before Pandora noticed my silence.

"What's up with Meds? You are silent." she pointed out.

I had to fake a smile. "Hmm, just preparing my mind for the training in the mind maze team today." I lied.