Chapter 268_ Mama died

It was almost unbelievable. How on earth had she found out about Mama and Anas?

Since when did she know my family up to the stage of caring for them so much that she slaughtered the group of possessed students who came to harm them?

I knew without a doubt now that it was she who murdered those students. She just confessed it.

How on earth did she even get so powerful enough to conquer all of those demons? She fought them all off and was even the one who initiated the magic to destroy Ajax right now.

Why did my doppelgänger seem stronger than me and why was she speaking of killing a person so carefreely?

She even killed Ajax's witch.

All because she wanted to protect her family?

Hell, was this even her family or mine?

Wait a second...

Had she been spying on me?

Could it be that she had been spying on me for so long that she got to find out about my family and thought them as hers too?