Chapter 292_ The grounds of the Magical Society

I mean, I was falling until I didn't.

I had already braced myself to land on the hard floor and either have my backbones broken so badly that even Senior Fei or the magical doctors might not be able to fix them.

If it's not my backbones, I deduced it might be my legs or hands or ribs or whatever the hell of a bone would break from falling off a wall.

But alas…!

Instead of the hard floor that I had predicted, I landed on something hard but it wasn't as hard as I thought.

That hardness was the kind that delivers softness to one's flesh and secure before protecting its tenderness.

Like a knight in shining armor, someone caught me.

I was oblivious to that fact and had thought I had become numb as a result of the excruciating pain until I heard the voice.

"Medusa." It calmly stated.

I on the other hand mistook it for an angel's voice calling on to me commence a cross road to the afterlife.