Chapter 317_ Venus, don't die

"DRACO?!" I just had to scream.

Yeah. Heads turned at me, suspicious eyes too but I didn't care.

"It's her. She always acts so crazy." I heard someone murmuring behind me.

I didn't need anyone telling me who the 'she' they just mentioned was. When I turned, I found two seniors up from the mind maze team, half glancing at me with weird eyes.

I knew they didn't want me to know that they were gossiping about me but I caught them just right in the act. The moment they saw my gaze, their countenances changed as they acted as though they weren't just gossiping.

"Draco, Tov, you see what you are causing me?!" I groaned internally.

We were just a handful left. Our game was up in three days. We needed cooperation, not gossip! Ignoring them, I opened Annoying Jerk's letter.

'Hey Venus,

I am going to lose the game.'

My heart skipped a beat.