Chapter 327_ Winner!

Teacher Nyx effortlessly proceeded to the next announcement. "Fourth and third place, with a tie of 23 points, goes to…" she paused again, the silence in the hall thick enough to chew on, "...Supernova Academy and… the Seraphic Sanctum College!"

"What the…?"

"It's a tie between them?"

"The Supernova Academy deserved better!"

"Their nature concept was peak!"

The entire Hall boomed with disagreement, asking to name the Supernova Academy third and the Seraphic Sanctum fourth."

Teacher Nyx did a good job of reminding everyone that the judges had the final say. "Now, the moment you've all been waiting for…" She paused, savoring the anticipation, "...the top three contenders!"

"Urgh. We already know who is winning, don't we?" Bale rolled his eyes and sunk lower into the chair.

"Don't stop us from shining, man," Devarn interjected.