Power! Fame! Wealth!

Feeling the wrath of the God of light in the sky, the people of Elias could help but believe what Almeron was saying was the truth. And Almeron sensing their change of mood knew it was time to hit the nail on the head.

Increasing the tone of his voice he continued speaking

"Just when I was about to give up, I got told an oracle dictating the future of Elias!"

After taking a slight pause, Almeron revealed the oracle 

"When the three sources are born, a new era of Ragnarok shall rise"

"and from a new world, with new knowledge the human king shall take the world by surprise"

"the stars shall dim"

"and the sky shall weep"

"In this era of Gods fall"

"there is no peaceful sleep"

Listening to the oracle's components, the crowd was in disbelief 

Although they didn't know what most of the oracle meant, hearing the words 'Gods fall' left all of them shook,