The world is born!

"Where am I?"

"Who am I?"

"What am I?"

Floating in the endless darkness, Elric couldn't remember how many times he had asked himself this question.

Soon time-based, maybe minutes, maybe hours, maybe days, or maybe even years. But all this was nothing to Elric who could do nothing bat watch the darkness by his side

However one faith full day when Elric was observing the darkness around him trying to remember who he was, a change suddenly occurred in the void around him.


Under Elric's shocked gaze, the whole space seemed to fluctuate, completely attracting attention. 

"What is going on? And why does this space feel familiar?"

Unfortunately, no one was there to answer him


With the next boom, a huge floating red ball appeared directly in Elric's front emitting a somewhat ominous and powerful aura.


And with the final boom, the ball directly exploded as soon as it appeared.