Upcoming sacrifice

"Hello everyone, it's been a while"

Saying this was followed next was a long silence as both sides didn't know what to talk to each other about.

Lilith on the side wanted to ask Alvin about what happened to his body.

However, considering the strength he showed just now, Lilth had a feeling that if she asked, her head might get blown off.

In fact, not only Lility had this thought but Nico and Aoma had similar ideas in their minds as while they yearned for and were Impressed by Alvin's strength, both of them were also worried about that strength being used against them.

Thinking of this the three of them unknowingly took a step backward as they looked toward Alvin with vigilance in their eyes.

Thankfully, Alvin didn't seem to notice their small movements as he was currently overwhelmed with embarrassment.

Realising he just screamed like a baby in front of his former students, Alvin suddenly wanted to find a place to bury himself.