Digging Elric's corpse

[A few minutes earlier]

*Huff huff*

"What do you mean by the young master is still alive? And where did you come from? Oh and what is going on with Alvin!?"

Panting due to his earlier exertion, George bombarded Lilith who just appeared before him with questions.

Just now when he and Davis were about to retreat, she suddenly appeared along with Nico and Aoma claiming that Elric was alive and that the demons were planning to sacrifice the whole school.

Listening to this, both Davis and George could help but pause as they were overwhelmed by the sudden news. 

Thankfully, Lilith seemed to have expected their doubt and continued speaking 

"Teacher George, there's no time to waste, i'm not sure how long teacher Alvi can hold them on"

"And according to what he heard from the abyss demons, once the summoning is successful then only two things could happen"

"One, either their so-called 'lord' descends and wipes us all out!"