Experiment begins!

Yes, after a series of simulations with the A.i chip, Elric decided to use Davis as a test subject for two reasons mainly.

One is because Elric was confident in his skills, even if something went wrong he was sure to protect Davis from harm.

And two, Elric wanted to use this as an opportunity to test Davis' will, just how much was he willing to risk for the wizarding profession.

In fact, Although he might not show it, but Elric put a lot of hope and effort into it, after all this was his only ticket to survival in the dangerous world named Elias.

*Davis I hope you don't let me down.*

This was the thought in Elric's mind as he looked toward Davis waiting for his reaction.

Thankfully, when Davis finally did react, his answer did not disappoint Elric.

"Yes young master, I agree!"

Without any ounce of hesitation, Davis replied almost Immediately stating his affirmation.

Seeing this happen, Elric modded with satisfaction.