
"Breaking news!"

"Lord of Space Jiang Yang becomes the first of mankind to breakthrough an SS-classbx dungeon"

"Fire Fist Mu Fan and God of Lighting Adam Young fought at a tie for three days and three nights successively sinking three islands in the process"

"On other news, the influx of dungeons into the blue star has seen a geometric rise over the past 50 years" 

"Is this the sign of a new era? With the birth of heroes such as Lord of Space Jiang Yang, Fire fist mu Fan, and Ice Queen Chu Ting, do we humans stand a chance over the ever-increasing dungeons and monsters?

"Stay tuned for all this and more on Hunter Tv, I'm your host Shuer Binger and I wish you a good night!" 

Putting off the television, a beautiful figure could be seen sitting on a snow-white couch

"So it's been fifty years..."

"Big brother where did you go, didn't we pinky swear?"