372. The Battle.

The baleens in the World Devourer's mouth morphed into razor sharp teeth, that seemed to be shaper than that of a shark's, its small eyes turned bloodshot, not red but golden, and one had to know that a berserker state of a God's is different.

Not like that of human's where they exchange their sanity for strength, gods exchanged their divinity for strength, it was a kind of a trade off between the gods and the Divine Laws, of course, another god too can trade for the divinity, but since it was method that was scorned upon in the Divine Realm, these kinds of trades didn't happen among gods.

But now, the were a pair of gods in front of the World Devourer whale, who could accept the trade, but no sane or even a savage God would do so while they were up against one that wanted to trade their divinity for more strength.

That would be plain foolish.
