he found us?(6)

"what am I even going to wear?*SIGH* its not a date, so why am I confused about what im going wear…" I grumbled to myself as I dug through piles of messy clothes. Finally, i picked something. Black leather boots, plain denim jeans that were ripped at the knees with chains hanging from the side, topped off with an over sized black graphic tee. I wore my net sleeves too, because, why not.

As I looked at myself in the mirror, reminding myself this was not a date and I needed to calm the fuck down, my phone vibrated and I went to check it. A text from my mum?


Darling, I hope you're safe.

I got word from my source that some of your fathers goons were spotted around the city, be careful.



I will mum. How many are there? :/



A few, but it should be fine. If you cross paths with them, im sure you can handle it, right?





Good luck. Love you.



Love you too.


I stare at the messages on my phone for a while, then threw it against the wall in frustration.

"gah! Why, why is he suddenly looking for us, why now!" I screamed at the walls and stomped the ground making the things in my room levitate and fly around the place llike a hurricane.

"calm down ivy, calm down…" I cooed myself as I let the things around me settle down, it was a mess. I sighed as I sat on the ground, burying my face in my palm , I pushed my hair back.

"everything is fine…looks like I'll be taking my amplifier with me…just in case"

Under my bed, there was an old box which had been collecting dust for a couple of years now. I brought it along with me just in case, but three years later, I would actually use it. My hands hovered over the box for a moment before pulling the lid back. In it sat a picture of a pen, taking it out, I stared at the picture for a while, blowing away the dust on it, I placed it on the ground. Using my index finger, I tapped on it three times, on the third time, the surface of the picture rippled as though it were water and I submerged my hand into it and pulled out the pen. I rarely used this power and many people didn't know about it, all they knew was that I had telekanisis. Not even the teachers and administrators knew of it and that's how I intend to keep it. This pen was an amplifier to this power were I didn't need a hard surface and instead I could draw mid air and pull whatever I have imagined out of nowhere, the ultimate cheat code.

I admired the pen for a bit before putting it in the inner pocket of my leather jacket. Stepping out, I head for the lobby, where hopefully, chuckles was still waiting for me. On my way I bumped into Charlie. Was the practice over already?

"VIVI!" she yelled my name and I smiled sheepishly at her.

"ohhh heyyy Charles.."

"don't oh hey Charles me…you promised you'd come for practice this time…" she pouted as she crossed her arms over her chest, demanding an answer from me.

"im sorry, I over slept, again…"

"this is the third time already, nora is getting upset, I had to cover up for you again…" she said to me and I gave her a hug.

"that's why I love you…I promise, next time I wont skip it…" I gave her my word, but I don't think she believed me.

"yeah, sure. Where are you off too anyways?" she asked, arching one brow up.

"going to the arcade with chuckles…" I said dryly as I popped a gumball in my mouth. Chewing bubble gum is an old habit from the past. Whenever I wanted to get the metallic taste of blood out of my mouth, I'd chew bubble gum.

"xerxes huh? Hehe naa I wouldn't want to ruin your fun…" she smirked and I glared at her.

"what are you hinting at?"

"well…xerxes and ivy sitting in a tree KISSING!"      she sang that baby song and I blushed. Hoping nobody heard this idiot.

"CHARLIE!..SHUT UP geeze, what are you, five?"

"heh, im just teasing you, i would have come too, but im tired and need a bath and possibly some shut eye…" she yawned. "but you know you cant hate me, I'm your bestfriend…" she pounced on me in a bone crushing bear hug and I groaned.

"get off Charles…" I pried her arms off me and she giggled.

"don't forget to gist me all the details, okay?"



We went our separate ways and as I was about to take the elevator down, the doors ding open to reveal xerxes, glaring heavily at me. He was also wearing ripped jeans with a white shirt and a red hoodie. I gulped softly as I chewed on my gum…

"we really need to stop meeting like this chuckles…" I gave him a dry laugh.

"and you really need to stop calling me that…" he continued glaring at me and I stepped into the elevator door which closed as he pressed the button to go down to the lobby.

"youre late.." he said without looking at me.

"you're early" I retorted back without looking at him.

"you don't look dumb.." he mumbled, but I caught every word. Is this his way of complimenting me? I smiled then said.

"you also don't look dumb…"

"tch…when have I ever looked dumb…" he smirked.

"hey,chuckles, maybe we should just forget about the arcade…" I was worried, if what my mother had said was true, there might be the possibility of running into the henchmen and I didn't want to put him in trouble.


"I mean…lets just stay back.."

"oh hell no, you didn't make me get all dressed so you could chicken out. We are going to the arcade!" he yelled and the doors opened, just in time for the people in the lobby to look at us. Before I could say anything, xerxes grabbed my hand and pulled me through the lobby, not minding the curious eyes. Well almost not minding.

"keep staring and I just might harvest your eyes…" he threatened them and everyone looked away, well everyone except for our friends. He dragged me out the door and shut it behind us.

"I didn't know they were dating?" sem, one of xerxes friends commented and everyone stared at him with shocked and mixed looks.

"dating?" theo asked curiously as he looked in the direction which the two had left.

"where do you think they are off too?" Millie asked the most important question and Charlie appeared besides her and said…

"they are going on a date?" she grinned and everyone looked beyond shocked as their mouths hung low.

"A DATE! I KNEW IT, BUT HOW COULDN'T HE TELL ME, I THOUGHT WE WERE BEST BUDS" Sem wailed as he cried, Charlie looked at him with a scowl on her face.

"seriously? How the hell did that hot head get a girlfriend before I did"  noah joined sem.

"wow those two…?" Millie asked and Charlie just chuckled, knowing the amount of trouble she'll be in once ivy came back.

"oooo xerxes is so lucky, just look at the size of her boobs!" Philip had a dreamy look in his eyes as he said that and Charlie knocked his head in with her fist.

"YOU DAMN PERV, DON'T SPEAK ABOUT ANOTHER MANS WOMAN LIKE THAT!" she scolded him and he cried out in pain..


"shut up philip" Millie hit him in the back of his head and he passed out with stars dancing in his eyes.
