the power amplifier (8)

We decided to walk back to school. Surprisingly, we had a normal conversation for the first time, no yelling, no name calling. Just two people talking about random stuffs, and I enjoyed it, I'm sure he did too.

"…then I said, keep talking and I'll kick your teeth so far down your throat, it'll come out your ass…" xerxes told me a story and I laughed.

"are you sure you're not the real villain here?" I teased him and he scoffed.

"hey, lets' go down this way, It'll be faster…"

We stood in front of a dark and lonely alley way, brings back memories. Red flags were all over this place. We should keep walking, I thought to myself.

"are you sure…doesn't look too safe.."

"are you…scared…" like the devils I read about in the bible, he whispered into my ears and I swatted him away like a fly.

"shut up, Satan…I'm not scared of anything…" I declared. Well except those black gloves.

I stepped into the alley and looked over at him

"you coming? Or are you…too scared?" I mocked him with his own words and he ran after me.


The further we went, the more sirens blared in my head, my instincts wouldn't let me be. I stopped abruptly, still as as brick wall,making xerxes bump into my back.

"what the-"


I picked up multiple faint footsteps that weren't ours. Someone was following US, or rather, some people and they were doing a rather decent job at it. I pulled xerxes by the arm as I moved closer to the walls, making him fall over me. if he hadn't supported himself with his hands pressed flat on the wall, we could have collided .i stayed glued to wall as I slowly pulled out the amplifier.

"what are you doing?" he whisper yelled at me and I covered his mouth, so that I could count how many they were. Three. Although the footsteps had stopped, I could tell they were there, waiting to make their moves. They honestly underestimate me thinking they could corner black phantom? tsk Armatures at best.

I tapped my lips with my index finger, then my ears. Telling him to not speak, but listen. I pulled xerxes closer, making it look asif I wanted to kiss him, but in actuality, I whispered into his ear.

"we're being followed… there's three of them, one at the back, one in front and one right above us. Use your shadow to wrap around his leg without him noticing, then on my mark, you pull him down…if you understand, nod…" I made sure the message got to him clearly and he hesitated, before nodding,noticing as I was not joking.

" have you done it?" I confirmed and he nodded again.

"3…2…1…NOW" I yelled as I slipped from underneath him. At the same time he yanked a man down who fell with a thud and I instinctively drew my katana and a gun, I fired two shots on my left and my right. They were more like warning shots as the men came out of hiding to attack us.

"GET HER" one of them yelled as he tried to untie the thing that held him down and the others attacked me.

Xerxes looked petrified as he moved back.

"don't let your guard down chuckles.." I called out to him and he snapped out of it. Seeing as I was already fighting two men, he decided to keep this one busy. But just in time, he got free, but xerxes didn't let him move closer.

"did my father send you?" I took the liberty of questioning them as I strike them with my katana, they also drew their swords. Based on their skill, I guessed they were new and probably powerless. It was always the lackeys who didn't have any powers that were sent for jobs like these.

"you're coming back with us…" the second man with dirty ginger hair grunted as he defended his neck.

"so he did send you, how did you find me and how many more of you did he send?" I bombarded them with questions, which they refused to give answers too. I had promised xerxes nobody would see those murderous intent in my eyes again, but I couldn't help it. I had been holding back before, but not anymore. I won't lie; it felt good being able to fight again with the intention of killing someone. "if you won't answer then…die"

"such temper, just like her father…" the first man who had been fighting with this bratty kid that wouldn't let him pass tried to instigate ivy.

"You can't run forever, Leah…" he yelled and I growled.

"GAH! ENOUGH OF THIS.." I managed to incapacitate them both with one blow to the solar plexus, knocking the literal breath out of them and they crumbled like cookies to the ground. I then focused on the one who seemed to give the orders, ran past them at so much speed that it looked as if I appeared out of thin air.

Xerxes had already kept him immobile with his shadow tendrils and I kicked him in the back of the knee, instantly sending him to the ground. Raising my hand I chopped his cervical vertebrae, just enough to immobilize and paralyze his body.

Using the amplifier is create sturdy chains and wrap them around him and the other men, bundling them together like the worthless piece of trash they were. I had to hold back from killing them. One, xerxes was here and two, if they didn't return, it might alert others or worst my father.

"ivy?" I heard xerxes voice from behind, but I didn't have the mind to look him in the eye.

"we shouldn't have come here…" I said in a low icy tone. The silence around us was deafening, sighing, I turned around…only to see red eyes staring down on me with only a hairs breath away between us.

"are you okay?" these were the words he uttered. I stood shocked for a moment, I had expected him to look down on me with disgust or hate, but I couldn't sense any of the malice. All I felt was pure and sincere concern for my safety. I smiled at him then nodded.

"I'm fine…what about you?"


I could tell he hand many questions from the look in his eyes, but how could I possibly explain today's events, where would I even start from? I stepped back and walked towards the men, I crouch down to their level.

"…the cops will be here soon, I'll be quick…" I informed him.

"What do you plan to do..?"

"Tamper with their memory…"

"…you can do that? I thought you only had telekinesis and also…where did you get that…it looked like it came out of nowhere…" he pointed at the katana that rested on the wall. I sighed.

"I'll answer all your questions, but first let me do this…" I said calmly as I placed my palm on the first man's forehead. My eyes begin to glow, a dull shade of gray..

"…this fight never happened and the pain you feel was due to a scuffle outside a local pub, you got really wasted then passed out in a dark alley…there was no trace of me, nor my mother.." I repeated the same statement to the other two, then retracted my chains back into the amplifier, along with my katana. Using my telekinesis, I moved their bodies and hide them behind some old dumpsters. "…now will you tell me what's going on.."

I turn to face him, but I could feel warm liquid streaming down my nose and my vision turned blurry. This is the first time in three years I am using all three of my powers at once and it has put a physical strain on my body. The last thing I heard was xerxes voice as I passed out in his arms…