Going back(21)


Lilith let out an exhausted sigh. It Seemed like the boy was just as stubborn as ivy.

"Fine…be good to him ivy…" a soft and gentle smile adorned her face as she looked at the children. A storm was approaching soon, she didn't know how soon, but it would definitely be the kind that would consume and destroy those that stood in its path. Speaking of storm.

"xerxes, why do you have storm with you?" Lilith questioned him and he looked confused.


She pointed at the furry creature in his arms. " the cat, I mean"

"oh right, I thought I saw a shadow moving about the living room, turned out it was just this cutie…" he smiled as he rubbed the cats chin with his finger who in turn purred.

Ivy was surprised with the way storm acted around xerxes, because this same cat had the reputation of being a house hold terrorist, a literal cat from hell. Even she sometimes would fall victim to storms rage, this was the whole reason they named her storm, but here she was, behaving like an angel in xerxes arms.

"would you look at that, ole stormy seems to have taken a liking to your boyfriend, ivy" Lilith chuckled as she stared that the cat. Ivy on the other hand didn't understand why she suddenly felt jealous of the way xerxes held storm in his arms and the way he looked at storm, there was a small scowl on her face as she glared at the animal.

"alright storm, that's enough, come here.." ivy ordered her. The cat that had her eyes closed lifted her head up to look at ivy. It let out an unamused meow and went back to sleep in xerxes arms.

"Strange…looks like you have some competition ivy…" Lilith teased her and xerxes laughed.

"whatever…that cat ain't got nothing on me…" ivy huffed as she and the cat locked eyes.

"tch… idiot…" xerxes put the cat down on the ground who seemed to be very displeased by this action.

The damp mood which they had walked in on earlier lightened up a bit as they talked. Looking at the amount of damage done ivy turned to her mother.

"do you need help cleaning up? Xerxes and I would be more than happy to help you, right?"

"yeah, sure…" he agreed to her words and Lilith smiled.

"no, it's fine…you two need to be back to school…" she walked towards the kitchen cabinet and takes out a bottle of whiskey and a glass, she opened it poured some out.


"I just know it, he's coming for you…this was just a warning…" her grip on the bottle of whiskey tightened as she stared at the ground…

"don't worry, everything will be fine…" ivy reassured her mother as she placed both her hands on hers that looked ready to break the bottle.

"ivy isn't alone, she has me and you to keep her safe…" xerxes wouldn't seat back and watch anyone take ivy away from him, especially not her father.

"Thank you, xerxes. I trust you will be able to keep ivy out of trouble and watch out for her…"

"Off course. Someone has to keep this idiot out of trouble…" and there it was, xerxes classic taunts.

"tch…" ivy huffed

"alright you two…it's time to go.." Lilith stood up and cracked her fingers.

"but how do we get back? In time…" there was a certain worry line on xerxes face as he asked. Neither of them carried any cash with them.

"don't worry, mom's got us covered…"


"but how are you going to get rid of the bodies?" ivy asked Lilith and she smiled.

"come on darling, it's your mom you're talking about here…"

"Right…you ready chuckles?" she turned to him and he nodded, not exactly sure what exactly he had to be ready for.

Lilith cracked her fingers again, her eyes begin to glow as she activated her powers. Her sparks fly out her finger tips as the wind speed in the room picked up, a small fog appeared in the middle of the room, before spreading and expanding out.

"okay mom, see you soon…" ivy hugged her mother goodbye before walking through the portal. Xerxes was about to follow her when Lilith stopped him.

"take care of her xerxes, she's all I got. Don't let that smile fool you, she's been through more than she's told you…" her voice was heartfelt and filled with helplessness. Even if she was ivy's mother, there were times when she didn't know what was going on with her. Maybe having xerxes might be a change, having someone asides her to share in this burden of a secret might be good for her, albeit dangerous.

"she's safe with me, I promise…" xerxes gave his word and Lilith nodded before letting him go, he walked through the portal she had created. Storm who had been nearby tried to jump through after xerxes, but Lilith caught her.

"and where do you think you're off too you silly feline. We have work to do…" the cat meowed in disapproval to which Lilith didn't pay attention too. Taking another look at her home she sighed at the damages done. "ugh, I need more whiskey…"

Meanwhile xerxes and ivy had reached the other end of the portal. Unlike the conventional portals which acted like doorways where a person could walk in and walk out with ease. Lilith's portal was a bit different where it acted like a tunnel of some sort.

On the school grounds, most of the students who had been loitering around the dorm buildings where startled by the portal that had suddenly appeared out of nowhere. One of them ran to go call a supervisor, while the other senior students stayed, in case something was to happen.

"Who do you think it is?" the one who asked this was keiko who had been outside with the others.

"don't know…" Noah replied back as his line of vision remained trained of the suspicious portal.

"look! Someone is coming through…" Millie pointed out and soon enough the silhouette of two people stepped out of the portal. The first to come out was ivy, with xerxes closely behind her.

"two people actually, its ivy and also xerxes?" keiko pointed out and everyone gasped as the portal closed. Where did they come from?




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