Homecoming (33)


The portal which the villains had used brought them to stand directly on the Lamont's grounds.

Nothing much has changed since the last time she was here. The whole mood and setting of the estate was dark and brooding. Memories of the past flooded her memory making her cringe internally.

"welcome home sweet sister…" Pandora chide Leah in a sing song tone, Heath laughed as he strolled into the large mansion and Oliver walked past her, barely sparing the girl a second glance as though she were a stained piece of rag. a warm homecoming indeed

"it's wonderful to have you back…" Luther beamed, but sadly, Leah felt the opposite of whatever maddened joy he was experiencing at the moment. Why was he so happy anyways?

Ignoring his words, Leah took a step forward, approaching the doors which had been held wide open on both sides by the guards on duty.

"whoa whoa, what's the rush?"

"where is she?"

"hm? Oh, that cute little mouse of yours…like I said, only Darius can set her free" his tongue subtly ran over his canine as he smiled down at her.

"then where is he?…" she questioned him once more with cold dead eyes, barely able to contain her irritation at the male that stood before her.

"man…you're just as salty as the old man…" Luther clicked his tongue as he frowned. His words were enough to snap her already severed patience with this troublesome step brother of hers.

"TAKE THAT BACK!!" she growled, making him giggle as he threw his hand up to show he meant no harm.

"come on…I'll take you to him. Besides, I need to report my success with the mission…" said Luther as he turned to walk ahead into the manor. Leah couldn't help but roll her eyes at him in distaste, nevertheless, she followed him into the manor and the doors shut with a heavy thud.

The whole place exuded its usual eeriness and misery. She could almost hear the pleading cries of victims resounding through the corridors. Charlie..she just hoped she was okay and wasn't hurt.

If there really was a god, Leah prayed for him to keep Charlie out of harm's way. Growing up she never believed in the existence of gods, cause if they were real, they should never had left a child to suffer like this. She might not have believed in gods, but she did believe strongly in the existence of demons, after all, she had been born into this family.

It was a huge manor and walking to the

'throne room" felt like a journey to her.

While she was lost in her own world, they came to pass by a rather familiar door. She stopped as she stared at it. This was her room…actually, would it be right to call it as a room? Storage closet was more like it.

Senseing that she had stopped following him, Luther turned around to see Leah standing infront of the door they just passed. He returned back to her side and said.

"don't worry, you won't be sleeping here anymore…" But Leah said nothing as she continued to stare at the black door. It was as though every wretched memories from her past resurfaced the moment she stepped foot in here.

"come on, don't want to keep daddy dearest waiting…" although he sounded merry when he said that. Leah could hear the underlying sarcasm and distaste that came with them.


"why what…?"

"why now of all times did he decided to come find me?..." her expression was almost doll like as she turned her face to stare at him, not even the slightest bit of emotion could be found on her face.

But Luther knew she was scared, those cold eyes don't fool him. A warm smile graced his handsome features. "I don't think I will have the answer to satisfy your curiosity…but then again, you've always been his favorite.."

"tch…yeah…" Leah scoffed.

Once again their journey to the room where Darius would have been waiting for them continued.

It was a large door made out of mahogany wood and painted black in such a way that it looked like the literal gates of hell. And as usual it had two guards stationed on either sides, seeing their superior arrive, they instinctively pushed the doors open, with their eyes permanently glued to the ceiling and avoiding any form of eye contact with him. Even just breathing the wrong way might most likely cost them their lives…or worst.

"Mission success…" Luther's chest was puffed up in pride as he walked into his father's presence with a bow, Leah stopped in her tracks where Luther had gone closer.

Cold sweat escaped her pores as she literally quivered in her boots. So far she had only seen him in her nightmares, but right now that she stood before him and saw does cold grey eyes of his, she wanted nothing more than to bolt out of there and never return. But that was nothing but wishful thinking on her part.

As always, Darius was dressed sharply as he looked down on them with his usual snubbed nose intimidating look. Oliver was by his side with an equal frown on his face.

"it's safe to assume that my dear brother has already given you the gist of what went down…" Remarked Luther, in his usual cheerful tone.

Oliver harrumphed distastefully as he looked the other way. Darius paid no attention to the two brothers, rather his attention was glued solely to the girl. He could barely contain his joy, well as much joy he could contain in that dark heart of his.

"leave us…" came the slow and lackluster words from the man. Without further words to offer, the two bowed their heads as they stepped out of the room, leaving only Leah and Darius. Luther shut her a warm smile as he walked past her.

It was as though she had been dropped in a vat of ice cold water, every breath she took was sharp and pierced her lungs. Anxious couldn't even begin to explain the way she felt right now. But nevertheless, she had to hold her own

Darius Lamont, the most wanted villain alive, responsible for the annihilation of over a thousand people. A man driven by the lust to acquire power, he was selfish, arrogant yet meticulous in his works. A true terror amongst men, nobody in this entire dammed planet could hate him as much as she did.

The mere name Lamont sounded like a cursed word, where ill omen befell a person who happened to cross paths with it. There was a story behind how her family came to be what they were today, a story she couldn't bother herself to listen too. After all she was not a legitimate child of the Lamont's.