(38) Guests

Noticing the confused look she was getting from Ivy, Lilith laughed.

"don't look at me like that darling. All I'm trying to say is, it doesn't matter what we did or have done in the past, if we put our mind to it, even 'villians' can make beautiful things...to..make a difference…although we can't attain that if we don't tend to the barren lands in our lives…"

Even after everything being said, Ivy still found her mother's words to be complicated.

"so…I'm a barren land?" her burrows scrunched up in confusion as she stared at Lilith.

"no, no, no…t…that's not what I meant darling…" Lilith chuckled awkwardly as she cleared her throat. Sometimes Ivy took things too literally and this worried her, especially now that she will be around kids her age. Another reason why she had enrolled her into the school, a young girl her age should be with others who understand how a child's mind works, but Leah wasn't entirely like them. Lilith prayed she fit in, and even if she didn't, she at least hoped she would make a friend.

"…let me see…" she scanned the garden for a bit before her gaze fell on the newly transplanted tulips…

"the tulips couldn't grow well in the shade of the tree, but now that they see the light, they look much healthier…you're like that flower leah, you're still quite young and I hope for a better future than what you're father might have had planned for you…" Lilith explained to Leah who had a thoughtful look on her face.

"I still don't get it…why the hero course?" asked the girl

"you're a special child, Ivy, And Darius knows this, he planned to use you for a rather dark purpose and I didn't want to see my dear child fall deeper into this dark path. You have a special ability that can either save or destroy lives, I don't want to see that happen…"

There was no shred of merit on Lilith's face as she spoke in all seriousness now.

" a special ability? Are you talking about my telekinetic powers or my hyper realism??"

"neither of those, do not worry, with time you will understand better than this…"

Chapter 38

"We are coming with you and that's final!" Noah stood his ground and Xerxes scowled.

"And I told you you're only going to get in our way!!"

The loud voices pulled her out of her trance.

"Look, I appreciate your help and concern on this, but just as I've told Xerxes, I can't possibly grantee your safe...just let me handle this..." Lilith weighed the consequences of taking inexperienced rookie heroes on such a dangerous mission. Leah was her top priority at the moment and she couldn't afford to get distracted.

Xerxes and Noah stopped their bickering as they heard what she said.

"With all due respect Mrs Scarrow,Ivy...or... Leah is just as important to us as she is to you, danger or not we intend to take the risk " Noah spoke with such maturity, just like a true class captain. What shocked them the most was when Xerxes Stepped besides him in support.

"As much as I'd hate to side with this tight wad, I agree with him. You can't possibly turn us down now and just as I told you before. Take us or leave us, it would not change our decision to get Leah back, we won't stop searching for her, no matter what..."

There was a strong sense of determination in his eyes as he spoke, for once he indirectly admitted to needing help. Xerxes wasn't a fool, he knew exactly the kind of people the Lamonte were, was it right to call them as People? Monsters was more like it, it was hard to believe that Leah was part of that family, he also knew he couldn't do it alone. this was a big job and having this much support even if it wasn't enough was encouraging.

Noah glanced over at Xerxes. For once they agreed on something. Millie, Philip and even Sem stood in support. They've already come this far, why not go all the way.

Their resolve was fierce, but would it be enough when they are going up against such a powerful enemy?? Perhaps if they were going up against regular classed villains they might have had a chance, but these weren't ordinary villains, but S ranked. Some of the world's most dangerous people under the same roof. Actively involving yourself with them was as simple as signing your life away.

"What's it going to be??" The ferocious determination in the boys red eyes held her down. Lilith sighed, letting out an airy chuckle.

"You kids aren't giving me a choice here, are you? " There was no convincing them anymore "fine, but I will warn you, this is a dangerous mission, which means anyone of you could die...it's not some training simulation, but real life, with real life consequences"

*ding dong*

Before any of them could react to Lilith's choice words, the door bell rang, interrupting their thoughts. More guest?

But unlike the first time Lilith had her guard up, she casually strolled to the door and pulled it open, because she had in fact had a meeting scheduled for today. Was it time already?

The Newly assembled rescue team that stood behind her peeped at the door, wondering who it could be. A villain?

With a soft click of the doorknob, Lilith opened it up. A familiar figure stood dressed in a black suite pants and a white shirt which had its sleeves rolled up to the elbow. It was principal Powell, with her hair tied at the back in a low bun, and on her right hand sat a golden watch, it looked expensive, and behind her stood Seagraves, their homeroom teacher, what were they doing here?