First year on the ship [ Progress update for Juro ]

Juro: [It has been a year since I've started do the Teräs Käsi martial arts and some force techniques I have so far completed more missions so now I have 3560 credits and 2967 shop points right now we should still have a year left till we are on coruscant i have slightly gained some more muscle mass.]

Juro: "Ken please open the status tab in the system thank you"

( Status )

( Name - Juro Shan Age - 5 year old)

( Level - 7 Job - none Title - None )

( Midiclorian Count - 43,956 )

( Health - 100 Force - 2500 )

( Abilities )

( Str - 10 Vit - 16 Agi - 10 Int - 16 Wis - 15 Luck - 16 )

( Ability points - 5 )

( Force abilities)

( Force Sense lv 6 )

( Force Senses lv 7 {can enhance hearing, seeing, touching, smelling and tasting} )

( Force enhancement lv 5 {enhances str and agi) )

( Force telepathy lv 4 )

( Comprehend speech lv 3)

(Thought shield lv 3 )

( Breath control lv 3 )

( Force stealth lv 5 )

( Force Space Fold lv 2 {medium sized objects [ apples weapons armor ect ]}

( Martial arts )

( Teräs Käsi lv 6 )

( Credits - 3650 Shop points - 2967 )

Juro: "so yes I have been busy for the past years focusing on force techniques and martial art so my stats have increased by a bit and I've made progress on my engineering skills so yes right now i should be able to build a protocol droid first."
