52. Something To Remember Me By

Mauve set the empty dishes aside and got out of bed, her bath water was ready. As much as she didn't feel tired, she knew it would be best for her to go to bed now so she would be completely better by sunset.

She walked into the tub and settled in it. She stepped out a few minutes later, dripping water. Vae wiped her off quickly, drying her hair and the rest of her body. Vae stood aside as if waiting for orders.

Mauve frowned, "What is going on, Vae?"

Vae blinked, "Would you like to get dressed?"

Mauve looked flabbergasted, "Why would you even ask that?"

"Well, last night…"

"Enough about last night, I don't even want to think about it. Now pick something for me to wear." Mauve ordered with a reddened glow to her cheeks.