103. A Nightmare

Mauve felt steam poof out of her head as she watched the piece of paper float through the air and land on the bed. She moved her gaze from the paper to the door.

Erick was strutting to the door, she fought the urge to toss the book she was reading at the back of his head. She giggled, however, at what his reaction would be if she did that.

He suddenly turned backward, having heard her laugh. She stopped and glared at him. He slowly turned around and opened the door. Mill was standing on the other side with a tray of food.

"Erick," Mill said. She didn't look surprised to see him, she called his name out of acknowledgment.

"Mill," he said and walked past her without a second glance.

"Mauve," Mill called and closed the door behind her. 

"Mill," I replied. "Good to see you." 

"Same here. How do you feel?" She asked as she got close to where Mauve was.