316. Reports

Mauve hung onto Jael as they walked down the stairs. They had ended up spending more time in the garden than she had expected. 

It has taken her a lot to not touch the flowers, a few of them had needed weeding and trimming. A bit if tendering too, she had left them unattended for a while.

She had tried to give a tour as best as she could but Jael was a terrible tourist and no matter how precise she tried to be, she could tell he wasn't paying attention to the plants.

He had stared at her instead of the plants and she had to ask him severally if he was here to see the flowers.

"Would you go to your room?" He asked as he got to the library floor. The next set of stairs led to her room.

She nodded, she would probably stay in there for a couple hours and work on the garden before the second meal.

She wasn't in any hurry and she didn't want to move around at the time as Mill was busy. She was most likely in the kitchen with the servants.