351. House of Rosenberg


"Hello," Mauve said, hoping she was giving her best smile.

"It's really the princess," she said, stamping her feet with excitement, her oval face moving closer to Mauve for a better look.

"Your name is Mauve," she squealed. "I asked about you. I can't believe you were married off to a vampire. You look very beautiful and so pale. Is it the lack of sunlight? Even in the night light, I can tell your skin is shades lighter than mine. And your hair… oh my!" She brought her hand to her mouth. "Can I touch it?"

"Rosa Rosenberg!" Galath's voice called out. "Don't overwhelm the princess. You can ask your questions after she gets out of the carriage."

Mauve arched her head a little to the side as she took note of the lady's name. She thought it was very fitting.

"Sir Galath," the older lady said with relief. "Thank goodness you're here. She is out of control."