422. Screech

"Look at you spitting out orders. What's your plan now?" Louis asked as the carriage drove off.

"I don't have one," he said and started walking.

"What do you mean?"

"We just need to get to the castle safely. We are all too tired from the journey. Especially you and Danag. Unless it is absolutely necessary, there is no need to engage. We can go after it some other day. Right now, I need you here with me."

Louis stopped walking and looked at Jael with a shocked expression. Jael paused and turned around.

"What?" Jael asked with annoyance in his gaze.

"Nothing," Louis said and walked past him. "Pick up the pace then. We won't get to the castle at this rate with you walking like a bloody snail."

Jael narrowed his eyes but he didn't reply to Louis, instead, he said to her, "Let me know if I'm moving too fast for you."