438. His Mother’s Name

"If I didn't know better, I'd say she was avoiding me. Do you think she is?"

Louis turned his gaze from the door to Mauve, one of his brows was slightly.

"Why are you asking me?" Mauve asked with a frown.

She was still a little stunned by the situation. She obviously couldn't refuse but she wondered if Jael would be pissed again.

There was also the fact that Louis would either be a great company or a terrible one. She was hoping it wouldn't be the latter. She didn't have the energy to deal with an attitude.

"You two seem close. I figured you'd know."

"I don't think so, besides, Mill isn't that sort of person. Did you do something to her?"

Louis frowned, "You're making this my fault."

"I didn't say that but surely if you think she's avoiding you then there must be reasons why and it will have to be something you did."

"Why can't it be something she did?"

"Because Mill wouldn't do anything wrong."