520. Your Highness

Mauve raised her hands to knock on the door to Jael's study but his voice reached her before her knuckles could reach the door.

"Come in," his commanding voice said.

She swallowed and turned the handle while glancing and Mill who nodded and waved. Mauve closed the door with Mill on the other side.

"You don't look very good," he replied as his gaze rested on her face.

"I saw Vae," she said and rushed to him. "She doesn't look very good. She's in such poor shape, I don't think she'd last very long."

"Come here," he said, tapping his legs.

Mauve nodded and positioned herself on him. She knew she should complain about him always treating her like this but she would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy it.

"She won't have to deal with Seraphino for much longer," he whispered as she rested her head on his chest.

Her face brightened as she looked up at him, "Did you take care of it?" She asked.