Mauve was standing in the middle of tall trees. The sky was dark, but it didn't hide the beauty of the night, and she couldn't help but look around, enjoying the scenery, the tall trees, and the leaves. Though far, it looked like if she stretched, she might touch the branches.
The breeze was what drew her attention the most—the whistling as it passed through the leaves and the way it tousled her hair. She tucked some behind her ear to get it out of her face and smiled to herself. It was a great night. She just wanted to spin around, surrounded by the trees.
Suddenly, she heard the sound of a branch breaking, and she turned just in time to see the claws of a Paler reach for her face. Mauve screamed, the scream ripping out so forcefully that her voice cracked in the process. It also pulled her out of her sleep to Jael vigorously shaking her.
"You're fine," he was saying as calmly as he could muster. "It was just a bad dream. You're okay. I promise you're okay."