Jael wanted to punch himself as Mauve's words ceased. He had put her in danger again, but he had already made a promise to himself that this would be the last time. He had gotten rid of the vermin.
"What about Otis and the Phelans?" she asked. She wanted to know if the trial had carried on, as she had been unconscious after the attack.
"He was banished, and as for Lord Phelan and his son, they are banned from the castle and important meetings until further notice."
Mauve slowly nodded her head. "Okay." She wanted to ask more questions. She was sure the lords didn't take it lightly that he killed a vampire right in front of all of them—and not just a vampire, but a lord.
"If you want a bigger punishment, I can arrange that."
Mauve shook her head. "No, that's fine."