The King of Macbeth strode with his horse along the marketplace of his Kingdom. He was not happy the see the marketplace empty.
Things were scattered and dirt was littered on the ground. The place looked unkept, everywhere was messed up. King Lexis could perceive an unpleasant odor and knew it was not something good.
Climbing down from his horse, he walked past the particular place where glasses were shattered. The glasses had a bloodstain on them. King Lexis raised his brow in curiosity.
As he took some steps forward, he saw blood on the ground. The unpleasant odor became unbearable for him. He was anxious and curious at the same time. Taking a step closer, to his surprise he saw two dead bodies; a male and a female, and the female were on top of the male's body. What happened here?
The female was lying flat in the male's body and there was a hole on her back. King Lexis cursed inwardly, thinking that someone might have used those broken glasses to pierce the woman's back.
If someone was plotting on attacking his Kingdom, they should just do it directly instead of torturing them like this. He thought.
"You're thinking someone might be plotting to attack your Kingdom? I don't see any good here, your Kingdom is as good as dead." A feminine voice spoke from behind.
King Lexis froze at once. He didn't even make any sound or dared to move although he was curious to know where the feminine voice came from.
"You can turn around." The feminine voice was heard again but this time he was tensed. King Lexis didn't want to turn around because he was afraid of ending up like the previous dead bodies. But his body didn't listen to him and he turned.
Indeed the voice came from a female and now the woman was standing right in front of him. Her curly hair was golden matching the rays of the sun. She had a perfect figure that he dared not to look further. Her private organs were the only thing that was covered while the rest of her body was exposed. Her skin was flawless as her beauty was out of this world.
King Lexis gulped heavily. As soon as his eyes met with the crown on her head, he could tell that she was not a human. Who could this woman be? He thought to himself.
"King Lexis of Macbeth." She called to get his attention. "You were planning to come to see me but I didn't want you to risk your life because you can't make it past the River of Valox. So I came here by myself." The woman said with a serious expression.
King Lexis was tongue-tied. He was utterly speechless. Who is this woman? He murmured in his head.
"I'm the Prophetess" She answered his unspoken question.
"You don't look anything like the prophetess, you look more like a slut..." King Lexis couldn't help but put it that way. This woman standing right in from of him was half naked.
"I was a slut once in my previous life so it's nothing new. I don't think you need solutions to your problem. I wasted my time coming here." She turned around about to leave when King Lexis grabbed her wrist. Her hand was cold as ice, she was fleshy. He was shocked by his behavior and released her wrist.
"I'm sorry, I'm in desperate need of a solution right now. Please help me." King Lexis pleaded.
The woman let out a deep sigh. She turned around to face him. Her face remained expressionless. "You're the cause of this chaos."
How could he be the cause? What's she talking about?
"What I'm saying is that the supernatural beings are not happy with you and your reign as King." She calmly informed him.
"What?!" He was puzzled by her words. "I've done nothing wrong" He claimed.
"There's something you don't know, maybe you know about it and chose to be ignorant." The Prophetess started walking away from him so he followed her every step.
"Is there something I can do to lessen the situation?"
The woman continued walking not sparing him a glance. "The supernatural beings had stopped watching over your Kingdom because you failed to give your daughter to them." This time she stopped with her steps and turned to look at King Lexis' confused face.
"What do you mean?" King Lexis was confused. He knitted his brow in confusion.
"It's the tradition for every new King of Macbeth to offer their first daughter's to the supernatural beings for sacrifice. Most of the previous kings offered their wives since they had no daughter." The Prophetess explained and continued with her walk.
None of this made sense to King Lexis. He can't offer his daughter to supernatural beings, as a sacrifice. He nodded his head in disapproval. It was not what he had expected.
"You're a bit lucky because the supernatural beings are not planning to take her as a sacrifice. She could be of great use to your Kingdom." The Prophetess stated.
After a long walk, they both arrived at the River of Valox. His doubt was clear now as she had confirmed to him that she lived there.
"What do you mean she'll be of great use?" He folds his palm into a fist at the thought of supernatural beings taking advantage of his daughter.
"They sent me here to pass on the message to you. If you refuse to abide by their orders... I guess you don't want to know what will happen next." She smirked evilly.
"Hit the nail on its head." King Lexis said almost in a commanding tone.
"You see that Kingdom across the River of Valox." She said pointing over the faint image of the next Kingdom. "That Kingdom has the most eligible bachelors and one of them happens to be the King ruling it. He'll help your Kingdom prosper and the people's suffering will be ended. It comes with a price you know."
"My daughter is the price?" He raised his brow.
"Of course. She needs to get married to the King of Vallat." She said almost in a haste still pointing to the Kingdom across the River of Valox. "As per the supernatural beings' orders. You're Kingdom will not know suffer after then and they'll all forget about their sufferings, only if you marry her off to the King of Vallat." The Prophetess explained further.
Why was he hearing all these? He didn't even know who this so-called King was.