Killing You

The clouds were dark, and sounds of thunderstorms could be heard inside the haunted house. Lightning stroke inside the house caused Ariel to grip the unknown creature standing in from of her in fear.

She wrapped her hands around his waist, putting aside the fear she had for him. The beast itself was surprised.

Is she scared of lightning? The beast thought to itself.

The more she heard the thunderstorm, the tighter her hold on him. The beast couldn't do anything to help her out so it took her out of the house and brought her to a peaceful place, close to the sea.

"It's okay now. No more lightning and thunderstorms." The creature assured her.

Ariel was shivering in fear, she then came back to her senses and moved away from him.

"Where I'm I?" She asked with a shaky voice.

"See for yourself." The unknown creature said before it turned to face the sea that had the moon and stars on it. Ariel gasped seeing the water that had the galaxy in it.

"This is beautiful!" She couldn't hide her excitement.

It was clear to the beast beside her that the excited woman has not seen anything like that before. The creature felt the urge to ask her if she hasn't seen anything like it before. So it did.

"Haven't you seen something like this?" It asked with a husky voice.

Ariel turned to face the creature that was a few meters beside her. "All my life there's been a series of doors on my face., Arielle confessed.

The beast nodded in disappointment. He ran his tongue over his sharp fangs and that didn't escape Ariel's eyes but she was afraid this the beast caught her eyes on him.

"Aren't you scared of fangs?" It curiously asked.

"No, I want to touch your face!" Came Ariel's response.

The unknown creature was dumbfounded. Before it could protest, Ariel was already leaning close to me.

"Are you out of your mind? I'm dangerous. I can do a lot of dangerous things with you and killing you won't take so much time and I'll find pleasure in doing that." The unknown creature said his icy blue eyes were like the sea, with the galaxy in it.

Ariel didn't pay a deaf ear to its question. "It's been more than six months and you've been coming to me now. I feel like we've known each other already." She said placing her hand on his cold face.

She felt the mark on its face. The mark on his eyebrow and cheek were familiar to her.

"What is your name?"

The beast felt like pushing her away but it couldn't. He was hypnotized by her charm.





Ariel woke up, stretching out her arms, and yawning loudly. She felt to urge to fall back to sleep again so she could continue with her dream. It was the best dream she had ever had with the unknown creature staring into it.

Her thoughts were disrupted by the sound of splashing water coming out of her bathroom. She didn't leave the shower on last night. Did she?

The lazy princess yawned again before getting up from her bed to turn off the shower. Ariel had a bathtub that looked like a pool, she only makes use of it in the morning. She uses the shower to have an evening bath.

Opening the door leading to the bathroom, she walked inside only to see a tall muscular figure bathing.

Ariel gasped loudly in shock. Before she could leave, the man spoke from behind.

"What are you doing here, Ariel?" The man asked. He walked towards her with a towel around his waist and his hair dripping wet. He leaned closer, but she was moving backward. They continued till Ariel's back was on the door and the man pinned her using his two hands to block her part.

"What... What are you doing in my bathroom?" Ariel shutters.

The man's lips curved in a smirk and that was the first time Ariel had witnessed it. "Are you scared?"

Ariel was tongue-tied. Her gaze meant to his muscular chest. She felt like touching every part of him but she was restricted to do so.

On the other hand, the man was carefully listening to her thoughts which amused him.

"Your Majesty, I'm sorry but aren't you supposed to be in your room?" Ariel said she was uncomfortable with their position.

"The East wind is under renovation so I passed the night here." His confession made Ariel's thoughts run wild.

He passed the night in her room!

"You passed the night here?" Ariel asked in awe.

"Yes. It's high time we cut it with the formalities. I promise to treat you well from now henceforth but you know your boundaries." He said with a small smile on his face.

His appearance was too alluring and Ariel didn't even hear what he just uttered. She gazed moved to his face, the marks were just like the ones the unknown creature in her dream had. She once preferred the beast to the man that was standing in front of her. But seeing him half naked, she wanted him to take her to the moon.



The man leaned more closely, he could hear her heartbeat but Ariel couldn't hear his.

"Do you find the whole of me attractive?" Came his question.

Ariel wanted to scream 'Yes' she found the whole of him attractive but why the question? Her cheeks flushed red. The question he asked made her shy. She took a deep breath and surprisedly, he withdrew.

"I'll go get dressed, and take your bath. I'll be waiting for you." He said before leaving.

Ariel felt her heart inside her mouth. This man was too much for her to handle.

After they both got prepared, they left for the dining hall unusually together. The Lords that were already seated and waiting for their arrival were amazed to see the King and the princess come down for breakfast together. Ariel's cheeks flushed in embarrassment. She didn't know when she missed her steps and fell down the stairs.




This book is clearly written by me MoonlightOfure

Piracy is a sin. Say no to piracy!!!

Originally On Webnovel!!