out of reach

"Fine. It's a luxury ship. It has everything, but there's no signal on my smartphone. Nothing.

Elisabeth sighed leaving the parallel connected to the electricity and rubbed Lord's hand before getting up finally plucking up the courage to leave the room.

That's a ship, girl, It's called a cabin. , Elisabeth ran automatically.

There was something strange about that man. And there were security guards everywhere.

"Not bad for someone who managed to get himself into trouble again."

Depressed, she decided to walk around and see the place, imagining how every nightmare from before was about to start all over again.

"I can't believe they released this wretch"

And mentally she recalled the depressing scenes. The screams and melodramatic scenes of him drunk and falling down the sidewalk. She remembered his aggressive temper and how he liked to threaten and enforce her. Hatred and anger dominated her. She shook her head, determined to put that behind her. She could start a new life. She had done that and suddenly everything seemed to be out of her control. Everything she conquered slipped through her fingers.

Moving from Pennsylvania. It now looked like one of the most attractive options. There was an emergency fund. Mentally she weighed the alternatives. Cities in the interior were never good options. It was much easier to be just another one in a big city.

"San Francisco. Am I really in San Francisco?"

It was a most luxurious yacht. She appreciated the small fortune it all cost. There was the restaurant. And even a private gym in addition to the sauna and pool.

She had everything but a cell phone signal.

Or something else has been going on... The thought was even more disheartening. She tried to reach the deck and stopped for a moment when the armed security guards formally gave her way.

What was going on after all?

-Ray, I need to talk to you!

"More happened than you told me!"

She decided to walk to where his office was. She could handle any situation. She had years of practice running away from those kinds of people.

She was absolutely convinced of that as she opened the door and bit back a muffled scream in her throat. The clothes on the bed...

-That's blood! - Her voice came out in a muffled moan.

"Damn it, were you never told to knock on the door before entering?" she complained quietly with a grimace of pain.

-How did you get hurt?

It wasn't a conversation Ray intended to have. A stupid fight and anger guided him to face that wretch who had dealt him the damned blow. After a few punches and without realizing it, his opponent would draw the punishment from the inside of the jacket.

-It's not shooting, but I think I'll need some stitches after all.

Elisabeth nodded in a trance. She looked at him sadly. Alas, the practical training activities with patients violated moral, ethical, and legal aspects. One thing was the notion of theory in several college classes before dropping it;

Surgical instrumentation, choice of threads, knots, and sutures. She reviewed pairs of procedure gloves, 3.0 nylon threads, Mayo-Hegar needle holder, rat tooth forceps, thread scissors, and handle scalpel which was used on animal parts for training.

Elisabeth laughed nervously.

-I trained a lot. The suture in pieces of dead chickens. and pigs. but chicken skin and pig skin are different from human skin. In the literal sense.- She said nervously approaching. I'm not a doctor.

- I'll need a bandage.

-Oh, I got a bad grade in the first surgical procedure class - she started to explain with a beginning of panic. My highest quality was always in the postoperative period,

Ray tried to smile.

- Think you're in the post-op test and help me with that cut. It wasn't deep, but still...

She desperately tried to remember biochemistry classes. Thoracic epidural anesthesia. Lidocaine 2%. We know that in 100ml we will have 2g of anesthetic. This is true, in 100ml, we will then have 2000mg of anesthetic, in this case, we cut two zeros and arrive at 1ml for 20mg of anesthetic. Not preferably use large volume syringes or large gauge needles.

-The concentration of the solution is expressed as a percentage and for every 1% there is 1 gram of salt in 100 mL of the solution. Blood vessels constrict when the skin is at low temperatures, reducing blood circulation to the site and relieving muscle spasms, irritation and swelling. This method works to decrease pain in minor injuries and bruises. Resistance to local anesthesia can be common and also have genetic causes.

-Elisabeth...- Ray called out firmly.

-I can't even do that. It's not damn chicken skin.

-I need help with this wound.