The flirt escorted by the police

To get to the city...there are always options: transfer, car, bus or plane. And to go out... You can fly through Cabo Frio or Rio de Janeiro via the airports: Galeão or Santos Dumont. And back to Cabo Frio... 30km. There are regular jet flights. There is the Búzios airport, near Praia Rasa, which receives small planes.

-Send the men. Close the two city exits on the ground. Somebody go after the police. Now. I can't wait. He's going to the bus station. Some idiot stole the car. Just make it happen. Now.

And the mechanic looks at me rolling his eyes. It takes a few moments.

- Send the men. Close the two city exits on the ground. Somebody go after the police. Now. I can not wait. He's going to the bus station. Some idiot stole the car. Well, this one. Call the police. Robbed us. They took a buggy cero. Chiama la polizia. Siamo stati derubati. Hanno arrested in buggy zero

The phone explanations are quick and the damn phones keep ringing. My boss. She is very angry. And she doesn't even know I was almost flirting with the cutie. It was a disaster.

Should I tell her? I'm flirting with cuteness. Do you know how it is? Almost two meters high. Amazing eyes. And the flushed cheeks against the pale skin... I can't stand to see a man like that with tanned cheeks. And what shoulders...

should. Should not? should?

She's gonna kill me... I mean... she's gonna kill my ears with so many complaints.

Everything is fine. I think I spat on the cross. Or crucified Jesus. Something more or less like this. It was just supposed to be a fucking flirt. Does it have to be that hard without the world ending up around?

A car like that is worth a fortune. Shit! It's the brand new car the store-bought. The loss of that car… I look at the credit card machine and the rental agreement that stipulates indemnity and security deposit for the car.

It was just a little flirtation. He was so cute. What harm could happen?

- The police are looking for you!


Seriously? Say I'm gone. disappeared? Did I die? My crush is running away to the bus station. Go take a plane. You will leave the country. Not bad for a good flirt. Nobody can do that well. I broke.

And that's not good, is it? My cutie is American. He doesn't speak a word of our language. She is a university student. And he's alone in South America after being plucked. You were lucky they left the documents.

Had lucky. Didn't take your credit card? The wallet was empty. No dollars.

-What is it?- I can't believe it! Nobody can be that unlucky!!!- I start to complain loudly and it doesn't take long for me to shut up and show the stupidest smile in the world forced.

Not. I will not do that. I swear I'm not even going to do that. Seriously. Not hard. More than a fucking life. FUCK.WHAT.

-He will be arrested in flagrante delicto.

Everything is fine. My ego... my inner goddess is falling apart. Other than that it was fine. Flirt and police. Fatal combination. I'm bringing my near crush to the police station. Handcuffed. Can I die now? Self-pity? Please!

-I know that. "It's the exact moment when the agent is committing the crime, or, after its practice, the traces found and the presence of the person at the scene of the crime. Ah, they will make sure he is the author of the crime. It could be worse The criminal is pursued after the crime has been carried out.

He was my crush. I think I gained a tremendous amount of money.

And every captured person has the right to have the family notified. And he's on the run from the crime scene.

-The police are requesting your services, Ms. Morris. This is an emergency case. No one in the corporation speaks the language and...

What a nice end to almost flirting. Even the judge got involved. I have all the police cars behind my near crush. They alerted the entire city. They will bring handcuffs.

Oh, how romantic!

-Stop the bus. Police. We're looking for...- the voice comes from far away as soon as I climb the steps of the vehicle that was stopped just in time to leave the bus station.


-Stop the bus. Police. We are looking...Mr. Garris?

Hi baby. Let me tell you the news. We both screwed up. Gauze 43 is fatal.


-I regret to inform you that you are being detained for questioning about the buggy's disappearance as reported by the rental shop. PLEASE... Anything you want to talk about... You can call your family by phone or a trusted lawyer. I am here to give you full assistance so that you can communicate with the authorities as you cannot speak our language.

It was the flirt. The flirt of the century. Did I manage to catch the crush? What woman starts flirting and holds the crush? At least lightning doesn't strike twice in the same place. I've heard it.

Is something wrong with me? Me and him... We were just looking at each other... How did it end up like this?

And it can always be worse. The city is in chaos. There are cars everywhere driving around. Trying to intercept and locate the buggy before it is taken and dismantled. Dismantled and sold in parts. These people are really fast. There's the police. There's the angry boss spitting fire. There's the boss. This one is in a panic calculating the damage. Not bad.

-I still have the keys.- I say the first thing that comes to my mind.

It is R$ 54,287.00 reais. Not bad for the knife. He gave me back the keys and I lost the flirt. Seriously, Jonathan, did you have to date a hooker?

- Well, try to get more. - Wow. My boss's voice is the iciest of the coldest mountains in the Arctic.

Oh, maybe they'll find the car. They'll find the car. You have to find the car. Serious. He's a kitten. I'm going to lose the flirt, it's not fair. It is R$ 54,287.00 reais. I was in the mood to go out and make out. Not that kind of catch.

Crap. And I didn't even kiss. Not even a peck. The police arrived first and the whole city soon followed.

- You will stay with him and translate everything at the time of the deposition.

-Yes sir.

Go fuck yourself. He was my crush. Have I told you I HATE you?

- I want the value of my car. In the deposit on the credit card bill?

What? It is R$ 54,287.00 reais. Do you have any idea? I hate you to death. I'm going to lose the flirt.

-I want my car or the money!

All right, I want my crush. Is there negotiation? BRL 54,287.00 reais. How am I going to get this off his credit card? Have I sent you to hell today?