I didn't really mean that

"Haven't I been calm enough all this time?" her voice raised higher. "You'd drive me raving mad someday. I mean, can't you just wake up and realize life isn't meant to be like this because you're an adult already?"

Justin was silent, staring at her and she continued. "I don't blame those girls for leaving you because I do understand what you must have put them through. And then you clinging like a leech to your Mom is so draining.When she dies someday, how you gonna survive then?"

The words rushed out of her mouth before she even realized it. A hurt look crossed Justin's face and she knew she had gone overboard.

"Babe, I'm really sorry I didn't mean that.." she said breathless and tried to reach out to him. He backed away and didn't say a word. Then very quietly, he walked out of the room.


"Boo!" Lexi said excitedly trying to scare Aaron from behind. Aaron was unfazed.

"I could already perceive your scent before you got close enough. Better luck next time."he responded with a lopsided smile, looking up at her.

They were at Aaron's studio, where he was seated, making a painting.

Lexi pouted and grabbed a chair next to him.

"You could have pretended to be scared you know."

"You should have known me already. No faking with this dude." He winked at her. Lexi smiled.

"Guess what?" She was asking trying to hide the excitement on her face but failing.

Aaron's gaze lingered on her for a second. "What?"

She slowly pulled up her shirt to reveal a little tattoo on her waist.

"Wow! That's sexy as hell Lexi" Aaron looked on with admiration."Its beautiful and perfect. Did it hurt?"

"Did it hurt?" She repeated. "I almost died"

Aaron chuckled. "I almost died when I got mine done too."

Lexi's eyes suddenly fell on the painting Aaron was making.

"Wow... Is that Marissa?"

"Shhhhhh" Aaron placed his index on his lips. "Don't tell her. Its part of a collection. I'm making it for her birthday."

Lexi was a little disappointed it wasn't her but tried to hide it with a smile. She and Aaron had gotten really close but who was she kidding? Marissa was his best friend.


"Heyyyy dimples" Marissa called cautiously and calmly as she approached Justin who sat on a chair working on his laptop placed on the table. He took a glance at her and returned to what he was doing.


She came close enough to him. "I got you chicken fried steak to say sorry. Its your favorite and also from Addison's. You can't say no" She gave a gentle smile.

He looked at her for a while and then took the bag. "Well no matter how hungry I am, I can't say no to food."

Marissa broke into a grin and then became serious as quickly. "I'm really sorry Dimples. I overreacted and I didn't mean all those horrible things I said. I took the decision of loving you and I love every bit of you. Even though you drive me mad most times"

He gave her a show of what she wanted to see. Yes, those dimples. Marissa could feel her heart melting.

"You drive me mad too but I love you even when you're being a witch"

She laughed. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"Its okay baby. Come here," he gestured to her to come over and pulled her in for a hug. She hugged him tightly.

After they pulled apart, he planted a quick kiss on her lips.

"Now why are you working so late?" she asked with concern.

"I gotta finish this Nena."

"Just do it tomorrow."

"I'm okay really," he squeezed her shoulders quickly.

"Why do you torture yourself so much with work?"

"Its my father's company and I really have to do all that's expected. Besides, I need to make my mom proud. I live for her."

Ouch. Marissa was not going to pretend as though the last statement didn't hurt her.